ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 8 of 45
УЖМБС 2018, 3(4): 44–49
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Morphological Changes In Skin Tissues Of Rats In Modeling Of Burn Injuries

Protsenko Е. S. 1, Kravtsov А. V. 2, Remnyova N. А. 1, Shapoval Е. V. 1, Dolgaya O. V. 3, Sazonova Т. M. 1

The conducted research is a fragment of the research work of the Department of General and Clinical Pathology of the School of Medicine, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University: “The development of criteria for diagnosis and methods for prevention of general and local purulent-septic complications of burn disease”, state registration number 0116U000958. The purpose of the study was to research the morphological features of changes in the skin tissues of rats during the simulation of burn injury in the conditions of different duration of thermal effects and at different times from the moment of the experiment. Material and methods. This study was accomplished on laboratory rats of the Wistar line. All manipulations during maintenance and formulation of the experiment were carried out in accordance with generally accepted bioethical principles. The object of the study was the skin of laboratory animals, on which the burn injury was experimentally simulated. Experimental animals were divided into 5 basic groups, depending on the terms after the simulation of thermal burns. Each basic group was divided into 4 subgroups depending on the duration of exposure of the thermal agent. The control group consisted of healthy animals with intact skin. For microscopic examination pieces of damaged skin were cut on the verge of intact tissues. After microtomy according to the standard method, microscopy was performed microscopic examination, during which the general nature of skin damage, the state of the vascular bed, and the intensity of secondary changes (hemorrhage, necrosis, edema, inflammation) were evaluated. We analyzed the dynamics of morphological changes in skin tissues of rats with experimental burn wounds in the conditions of varying duration of thermal influence and in different terms from the moment of the experiment. Results and discussion. The exposure of a thermal agent during 2 seconds causes the mild degree of injuries of skin structures with early and active start of regeneration processes. The exposure of a thermal agent during 5 seconds causes the middle degree of injuries of skin structures with sufficiently early start and active level of regeneration processes. The exposure of a thermal agent during 10 seconds causes middle degree of injuries of skin structures with a moderate retardation of initiation time and a reduction in the intensity of regeneration processes. The exposure of a thermal agent during 15 seconds causes the most serious injury of skin structures with a significant retardation of initiation time and a reduction in the intensity of regeneration processes. Conclusions. In the modeling of burns in rats, a clear direct relationship was found between the duration of the exposure of the thermal agent and the severity of damages in the structures of the skin at different times after the thermal injury.

Keywords: burn injury, experiment, burn simulation, morphological changes

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