ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 45
УЖМБС 2018, 3(3): 247–256
Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Minerals as Immunonutrition in Sport Practice

Vinnichuk Yu. D.

In this review represented possibility to prevention secondary immunodeficiency disorders via minerals preparations applied to athletes along sports practice. The training process of athletes includes high-intensity training loads, which is accompanied by the intensity of metabolic processes, an increase of energy, vitamins and minerals intake. Inorganic ions are particularly in demand by the immune system, as they are part of biologically active substances (enzymes, hormones, vitamins, etc.). All mineral elements are directly or indirectly involved in the processes of regulation of metabolism, they must be received via food or drugs intake. Immunodeficiencies with exercise-induced immune changes are characterized by food plastic substances deficiencies, including minerals, vitamins, and microelements deficiency. The markers of minerals zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium and iodine as the most important micronutrients participating in the immune defense reactions of high-qualified athletes, and their role in maintaining health and athletic performance are given. However, immune processes are often being disturbed not only by lack of minerals, but by their surplus or misbalance as well. The symptomatology of deficiency of the specified minerals and their necessary daily doses for use was shown. The negative effects of unreasonably high doses of individual minerals on the immune response also was shown. Minerals preparations, vitamin-mineral complexes, dietary supplements and the principles of their use at the intense physical training, and diagnosed immunodeficiency also presented.

Keywords: record-higher sport achievements, secondary immunodeficiency, minerals, micronutrients

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