Increasing the effectiveness of athletes training process is impossible without improving the system of assessing the functional state of their cardiovascular system. Experts in the field of sports medicine with the help of electrocardiography proved that the cardiovascular system is the most responsive system to changes in both the external and internal environment. The purpose of the study was the analysis of the results of changes in electrocardiographic parameters in single combaters depending on the growth of their sports skills. Material and methods. We analyzed 6224 electrocardiograms of athletes of qualification from the youth category to the honored masters of sports of both sexes, aged from 5 to 40 years. The total number of surveyed individuals was thoroughly studied and the following sports were selected: martial arts – 462 athletes, boxing – 255 sportsmen, kickboxing – 127 sportsmen, and taekwondo – 80 athletes who were surveyed during the preparatory period of the training process. Results and discussion. Athletes with an AV-blockade of the 1st degree, anesthetic rhythm and rhythm driver migration on a bicycle test performed a submaximal PWC170 test. Athletes with CLC syndromes and incomplete blockade of the right hip leg underwent the procedure of echocardiography. For reliable information on the effect of specific physical activity on the bioelectric activity of myocardium monoliths, it is expedient to conduct an analysis of the results obtained separately for each particular sport (boxing, kickboxing, taekwondo), taking into account sports qualification. Boxers of the level MS-MSIC differ from less skilled boxers by fewer people with respiratory arrhythmia, fewer athletes with heart rate more than 80 beats/min, more people with bradycardia and with changes in ECG due to SEVR and migration of driver of rhythm. In kickboxers of the level MS-MSIC, bradycardia is more common, respiratory arrhythmia and heart rate are rarer in the range of 61-79 beats/min, with no significant differences with regard to ECG changes. Among taekwondo sportsmen of the level MS-MSIC bradycardia is more common, there are fewer people with heart rate within 61-79 beats/min and there are no differences regarding ECG changes in comparison with the taekwondo sportsmen of the level CMS-1 qualification. Conclusions. After physical activity in the form of a submaximal test PWC170, all athletes with AV-blockade of the 1st degree, or atherosclerotic rhythm and migratory rhythm driver, recovered sinus rhythm. Athletes with CLC and ILBBBG syndromes did not find dilatation and hypertrophy of the heart according to echocardiography data, and the presence of SEVR and IRBBB should be considered as features of the ECG in this category of athletes.
Keywords: skilled athletes single combat, boxing, kickboxing, taekwondo, electrocardiogram, heart rate, cardiac rhythm, syndrome of early ventricular repolarization
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