ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 22 of 45
УЖМБС 2018, 3(3): 119–124
Clinical Medicine

Peculiarities of the Blood Lipid Spectrum Correction in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis and Comorbid Hypertension of II Stage

Khukhlina O. S., Mandryk O. Ie., Antoniv A. A., Kuzminska O. B., Kotsiubiichuk Z. Ia.

The aim of the study was to investigate the possible effects of complex therapy, including Hepadif, Ezetrol and Fosinopril on the blood lipid profile, and the degree of insulin resistance in patients with comorbid course of NASH and hypertension of II stage. Materials and methods. Sixty patients with NASH with comorbid hypertension of II stage and obesity of I type were included in the study. To determine the effectiveness of treatment, 2 groups of patients were formed. The control group (30 people) received a hypocaloric diet, Metformin, Essentiale, Atorvastatin (Atocor), Enalapril maleate for 30 days. The main group (30 people) received a hypocaloric diet, Metformin, Hepadif, Ezetrol, Fosinopril for 30 days. Results and discussion. The blood lipid spectrum was studied by the content of total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, low-density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins, and calculated the atherogenic index according to the formula. The state of carbohydrate metabolism was determined by the level of fasting glycemia and 2 hours after glucose loading (glucose tolerant test), the content of insulin in the blood was checked by the method of immunoassay analysis, the content of glycosylated hemoglobin in blood. The degree of insulin resistance was determined by the value of the body mass index: body weight (kg)/height(m2); index HOMA-IR. Conclusions. The study showed that complex therapy consisting of Hepatif, Ezetrol and Fosinopril is effective in the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in the background of hypertension of II stage and metabolic syndrome for the correction of the main clinical and biochemical syndromes of the main and concomitant diseases, the lipid spectrum of blood with the elimination of hyper- and dyslipidemia. It also decreases the atherogenic index, potentiates hypoglycemic effects of metformin, produces antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effects.

Keywords: non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, hypertonic disease, obesity, lipid blood spectrum, insulin resistance

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