ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 1 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 8–11
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Pro-Oxidant and Antioxidant Markers` Change in Guinea Pigs’ Bronchi in the Late Periods of Experimental Allergic Alveolitis Development and their Correction with Thiotriazolin

Baida M. L.

Our findings indicate significant accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the animal bronchi and insufficient capacity of antioxidant defense during experimental allergic alveolitis, and corrective effect of antioxidant-thiotriazolin on these indicators. A potential role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of allergic alveolitis has been demonstrated. Increased oxidant levels and decreased antioxidant defenses can contribute to the progression of these diffuse lung diseases. Materials and methods. We analyzed the results of research conducted on conjugated diene and malondialdehyde content and catalase activity systems in guinea pigs bronchi in the dynamic of experimental allergic alveolitis (EAA). The investigation involved 40 female guinea pigs weighing 180-220 g. EAA was induced by the method of O.O. Orehov and Y.A. Kyrylov. Prior, the animals had been immunized with Freund’s complete adjuvant (0.2 ml intramuscularly into a hind leg). In 2 weeks, 0.2 ml of 1% BCG solution was introduced intravenously every 10th day. Later, the animals were decapitated; the level of lipoperoxidational processes and activity of antioxidant system enzymes were detected in bronchi homogenate on the 44 th and 54th days after EAA. The content of conjugated dienes was determined by the method of V.B. Havrylov and M.I. Myshkorudina, malondialdehyde– by E.N. Korobeinikov method, catalase activity – by R. Holmes. Thiotriazolin was used for 10 days (from 44 th to 54 th days) intramuscularly at a dose of 100 mg / kg. All digital results were statistically processed using arithmetic mean (M), margin of error of arithmetic mean (m), and Student’s criterion “t”. The calculations were performed using means of statistical and graphic analysis of electron tables Microsoft Excel (Microsoft office programs). Statistically reliable were the results with Р≤0.05. Results and discussion. The results of experimental work showed that the content of conjugated diene and malonic dialdegyde level in animals’ bronchial tissue rose proportionally to the day of experiment in the late periods of EAA development as compared with the control group, indicating activation of these markers. Antioxidant system capacity to defend against free radical accumulation was suppressed. Catalase activity in the late period of this immune complex pathology was decreased. Antioxidant thiotriazolin had corrective effect on changing indicators as pro- and antioxidant systems. It has regulatory effect on all metabolic processes in the body, has antioxidant properties, makes membranes more stable, and contributes to healing processes. There was a reduction of conjugated diene and malondialdehyde content in bronchi and elevation of catalase activity in the group of guinea pigs which did not reserve this drug.

Keywords: experimental allergic alveolitis, peroxide lipid oxidation, antioxidant system, bronci, catalase, thiotriazolin

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