ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 29 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 167–170

Investigation of Indicators of Saliva Physical and Chemical Properties in Poultry Workers

Kardashevska O. I.

In the process of intensive development of modern agriculture, the studyof hazardous and health-related factors impact on the environment is timely and very important. Specific labor conditions contribute to the formation of various pathological processes in the human body. One of the most actively developing agricultural sectors is poultry farming. Materials and methods. High concentration of bird's population and their maintenance without walking, dustiness, gas pollution (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, high concentrations of carbon dioxide, formaldehyde), bacterial and fungal air pollution of the working zone, production noise, high humidity lead to the emergence of occupational diseases among poultry workers, in particular periodontal disease. The dust of production environment of inorganic, organic and biological nature is potentially harmful to the health of poultry workers. This increases the likelihood of disease development, its progression and unfavorable prognosis. Intensive development of modern poultry farming dictates changes in standards: the introduction into meals concentrated vitamins, hormones, antioxidants, antibiotics and other biologically active substances, in this connection, in the conditions of industrial poultry farming, the significance of the negative effect of biological dust has changed dramatically. Results and discussion. In the structure of dental diseases periodontal disease occupies one of the main places. Socio-economic significance belongs to the most pressing problems of dentistry. Their presence predetermines a number of biochemical, immunological and functional disorders, microcirculatory and metabolic disorders. One of the leading factors in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases is the disruption of blood supply to periodontal tissues and metabolism with a violation of the processes of protein synthesis, which leads to an imbalance of trophic periodontal tissues. The oral liquid plays an important role in the full functioning and maintenance of homeostasis of the whole complex of periodontal tissues, mediates the combination of its structures with the environment and an important nutrient substrate for the microflora of the oral cavity. In order to study the influence of occupational pathogens on quantitative and qualitative changes in oral fluid, the rate of secretion of mixed saliva, its viscosity and acidity (pH) was investigated. The research was attended by 70 poultry workers who comprised the main group and 20 employees of the administrative and support staff included in the comparison group Conclusions. Data analysis shows that the periodontal pathogenic effect of the complex of harmful production factors of poultry farming is largely realized due to changes in the saliva properties and affects the hygienic state of the cavity of the workers. There is a direct relationship between the increase in work experience and the deterioration of the saliva basic structural parameters, as one of the elements of the homeostasis of the periodontal tissue complex.

Keywords: periodontal diseases, poultry workers, рhysical and chemical properties of the saliva

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