ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 25 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 144–148
Fight against socially dangerous diseases

State of the Epidemiological Situation on HIV/AIDS in Zhytomyr Region during 2009-2016

Varvarovskaia E. P., Galinsky Yu. Ya., Masiuk L. A. 2, Senkevich V. G.

The article analyzes HIV/AIDS epidemic situation in Zhytomyr region based on the results of regional HIV/AIDS prevention programs during 2009-2016. The issue of counteracting HIV/AIDS is one of the priority directions of the state policy in the field of health care in Ukraine. In order to identify the regional needs for providing substantiated recommendations for the formation of national and regional programs, there were some HIV/AIDS prevention programs implemented in Zhytomyr region. The approach to assessing regional HIV/AIDS prevention programs during 2009-2016 combines recommendations of UNAIDS, analysis of impact indicators, cascading analysis and conducted in desk research, the analysis and synthesis of statistical data for five years from 2009 to 2016, epidemiological monitoring and routine surveillance. We traced people belonging to high-risk groups being involved in the HIV epidemic of Zhytomyr region. The activation of HIV transmission via sex indicates the transition of the epidemic process from infected drug users to common people. The increase in the HIV infection incidence among women is due to the spread of HIV among their sexual partners – infected addicts. There was a decrease in growth rate of HIV incidence during 2013-2014, while in 2015-2016 there was a decrease in the incidence rate. In the age structure of HIV infected people there has been a tendency towards increasing the proportion of people over 30. The coverage of HIV positive people by health surveillance in the region has improved, but it is not sufficient to implement the Fast Track strategy. The HIV epidemic is gradually spreading to rural areas. The prevalence of HIV among pregnant women and donors has not reduced. The result of HIV positive people addressing the health care institutions has increased in AIDS incidence and AIDS mortality in the region. The prospect of further research is seen in using the obtained results for planning national and regional HIV/AIDS programs to reduce the incidence and mortality rate because of HIV/AIDS, preventing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among key groups of population through the introduction of quality preventive services, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection, care and support for HIV positive people.

Keywords: HIV infection, AIDS, prevalence, morbidity, mortality, medical supervision

Full text: PDF (Ukr) 356K

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