ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 12 of 22
УЖМБС 2017, 2(7): 69–74
Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Increasing the Effectiveness of Training and Competitive Activities of Athletes Specializing in Hand-to-Hand Combat, Based Individual Psycho-Physiological Characteristics

Chernozub A. A., Kochina M. L., Chaban I. O., Adamovich R. H., Shtefiuk I. K.

Going in for hand-to-hand combat has recently gained wide popularity in our country both among the males and females. The practice of hand-to-hand combat is not only an effective way of self-defense, but also a fight against hypokinesia, the formation of a motor culture and health improvement. In addition, the hand-to-hand combat affects the functional state of all body systems and its physical qualities. It is also an effective way of comprehensive physical development, training of moral and will features of adolescents and young men. The purpose of the work was to compare the psycho-physiological indicators of hand-to-hand combat athletes of different athletic skill levels. A psycho-physiological study was conducted before and after training in 18 female athletes engaged in hand-to-hand combat with limited rival contact (semi contact). The first group consisted of 11 female professional hand-to-hand combat athletes, and the second group involved 7 female hand-to-hand combat athletes of amateur level. During the research we determined the following parameters: the time of a simple visual-motor reaction, the time of a complex visual-motor reaction, and the number of errors made in executing the instruction (incorrect keystrokes during the task), and the time of the correction test. Based on the obtained data, we calculated the indices of functional mobility of the nervous processes and the strength of the nervous processes. This indicator characterizes the working capacity, endurance of the nervous system and its ability to endure either prolonged or short-term excitation or inhibition of very strong degree. The functional mobility of the nervous processes is characterized by the possibility of a rapid change in the processes of excitation and inhibition. Correction test allows you to assess the pace of psychomotor activity, work capacity and resistance to monotony. The functional state of a person changes together with the time for correction test and the number of mistakes. To compare the quantitative obtained data we used the results of other authors’ studies. It is shown that for the qualitative conduct of psycho-physiological studies in different sports and the possibility of comparing the results obtained by different authors, it is necessary to standardize the methods and equipment used. The current state of research performed with using a variety of instruments and different methods does not allow comparison of the results of different authors. Moreover, we cannot conduct the meta-analysis of the obtained results. The solution of this problem is in creating uniform methodological bases of psycho-physiological studies in sports with appropriate equipment and software. The results of studying the functional state of professional hand-to-hand combat athletes indicate their high adaptive-compensatory capability, which is confirmed by the absence of reliable changes in psycho-physiological indicators under the influence of the loading. Multidirectional changes in the psycho-physiological indicators of amateur hand-to-hand combat athletes indicate the lack of stereotyped adaptive reactions in their bodies. A set of psycho-physiological indicators used in this research can serve as indicators of the athletes’ functional state, which will allow correcting training and competitive loads at different stages of preparation, if negative changes are detected. This approach will improve the effectiveness of sports activities and prevent the emergence of donor and pathological conditions.

Keywords: psycho-physiological studies, hand-to-hand combat, standardization

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