ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 22 of 22
УЖМБС 2017, 2(7): 126–131
Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Features of the Morphofunctional State of the Organism and the Motivation Level for a Healthy Lifestyle of Students with Visual Impairment

Yarimbash K. S., Dorofeyeva O. E.

The article analyzes the scientific and methodological literature on the peculiarities of the morphofunctional state of the organism and the level of motivation to maintain the health of 8-10 years old students who have visual impairment. In frames of the research we determined the levels of functional state of the cardiovascular system, the system of external respiration, the physical health, and physical preparedness of 8-10 years old students. The estimation of separate indicators describing functioning of the external respiration system and the cardiovascular system of the weak-vision system is given, the level of achievement motivation for the preservation of students’ own health is determined. In order to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the obtained data, we conducted a comparative analysis of the studied parameters with students of junior high schools. It is determined that the level of motivation achievement in students with visual impairment aged 8-10 is not related to the level of morphofunctional state of their organism. Therefore, the development of physical rehabilitation programs should be based on the level of somatic health, physical fitness and functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory system of the students with visual impairment aged 8-10.

Keywords: students with low vision, morphofunctional state, comparative analysis, level of achievement motivation, visual disturbance, somatic health, cardiovascular system, external respiration system, physical preparedness

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