Diabetes is a heavy socio-economic burden in any country in the world and is ranked one of the top places in the ranking of chronic diseases. In recent years, its prevalence has been steadily increasing. The development of hyperglycemic complications, which also have a tendency to increase, significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life, his/her ability to work, and his/her life expectancy by 10-30%. It is known that patients with diabetes significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Maintaining blood glucose levels within the limits of physiological standards requires a lot of costs, both economic and physical. Over the past few decades, many models of diabetes have been developed. These models can be divided into such large groups as: invasive (full or partial surgical removal of the pancreas) and non-invasive (chemical, endocrine, immune, genetic methods for the simulation of diabetes). Of all the experimental methods described in the simulation of experimental diabetes, the most common and recognized in the world are chemical methods (to use a streptotsocin, alloxan, etc.). The advantages of the surgical procedure for simulating the DM are the reduced preparatory period before the experiment (the effect after the removal of software occurs in the first hours). But the disadvantages include a significant injury to animals, the complexity of the implementation (especially in small animals), the availability of specific equipment and skills, high cost. That is why the chemical methods of DM simulation have become more widely used. The main point of DM simulation is to introduce various substances destroying the pancreatic cells or inhibit the synthesis and release into the peripheral blood of insulin into the experimental animal’s body. The advantages of these techniques are the ease of implementation and a relatively high percentage of development of diabetes. Its disadvantage is that there is a risk of trauma and death of animals due to the high toxicity of the compounds taken. In the immune model, antibodies are used against insulin, and in the genetic – the removal of pure lines of mice and other animals with a hereditary-conditioned form of diabetes. Summing up the above data, diabetes is a common disease not only in Ukraine but throughout the world. The curiosity of scientists is due to high disability of patients with diabetes and the development of complications. Of all the experimental methods described in the simulation of experimental diabetes, the most common and recognized in the world are chemical methods. We consider alloxan model with the addition of a fructose solution to be the most pathogenically grounded of all the presented experimental diabetes` models. This combination allows you to reproduce the picture of diabetes in an experiment for 30 days, reduce the toxic effect, and at the same time significantly reduce the animals’ death rate. Aspects for further research are connected with the study of the efficacy of pathogenic correction of endothelial dysfunction in rats with simulated diabetes according to the aforementioned procedure.
Keywords: diabetes, experimental model, intraperitoneal vision, laboratory animals
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