ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 21 of 39
УЖМБС 2017, 2(6): 101–106
Clinical Medicine

Dynamics of Interleykin-1beta and Interleykin-6 Indicators in Hypertension Disease and Hypertension Disease with Accompanying Gastro-Zofageal Reflux Disease in Liquidators of Chernobyl Catastrophe

Synel’nyk V. P.

The purpose of the work is to study and evaluate the levels of IL-1beta, IL-6 in serum in the liquidators of the Chernobyl Catastrophe, patients with HD and HD with concomitant GERD, before and after treatment. Materials and methods: 105 patients, Chernobyl Catastrophe liquidators at the age from 46 to 71 years were examined. All patients were divided into 2 groups. And the 1st group consisted of 53 patients – patients with HD, group number 2 included 52 patients with HD with concomitant GERD. In addition, each group was additionally distributed according to the received therapy in subgroups. Some received standard therapy, others – standard therapy with the addition of Actovegin® (Takeda Austria GmbH & Co), 200 mg. The control group consisted of 20 practically healthy persons, who were the same by age and sex parameters both in groups 1 and 2. In patients with HD, the min. IL-1beta level was 24.35±0.38 pg/ml, and in the healthy ones it was 15.96±0.66 pg/ml, p≤0.001. Statistically significant difference in the parameters (p≤0.001) depending on sex was found for both HD and male patients, according to the control group; 24.10±0.41 pg/ml and 25.79±0.92 pg/ml 15.96±0.66 pg/ml and 16.07±0.88 pg/ml. In the group of HD patients with concomitant GERD, the min. IL-1beta level was 37.46±0.61 pg/ml, and the difference between the respective healthy ones was p≤0.001. In patients with HD, the min. IL-6 level was 58.6±0.66 pg/ml, and in the healthy ones it was 21.49±0.64 pg/ml, p≤0.001. Another statistically significant difference in the indicators (p≤0.001) depending on sex was found for both HD and male patients, according to the control group; 58.67±0.76 pg/ml and 59.31±1.04 pg/ml 21.94±0.88 pg/ ml and 19.68±0.38 pg/ml. In the group of HD patients with concomitant GERD, the mean IL-6 level was 49.74±0.54 pg/ml, and the difference between the respective healthy ones was p≤ 0.001. One more parameter which depends on sex, a statistically significant difference in the indicators (p≤ 0.001) was also found, both for HD patients with concomitant GERD of both men and women, according to the control group; 49.94±0.59 pg/ml and 48.65±1.40 pg/ ml, 22.94±0.88 pg/ ml and 19.68±0.38 pg/ml. It was determined that the initial rates in treatment were statistically significantly higher in patients with HD compared with those of HD patients with concomitant GERD. In addition, the standard scheme of Actovegin statistically significantly contributed to a decrease in the average level of IL-1beta, both in patients of group 1 and group 2. When comparing the level of IL-6, it was found out that the initial rates in treatment were statistically significantly higher in patients with HD compared with those of HD patients with concomitant GERD. When adding Actovegin to the standard scheme, there was a statistically significant reduction in the level of IL-6, both in patients in the 1st group and in patients in the 2nd group of observation.

Keywords: Liquidators of the Chernobyl Catastrophe, hypertonic disease, gastroesophageal illness, interleykin-1beta, interleykin-6

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