ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 7 of 42
УЖМБС 2017, 2(4): 46–49
Clinical Medicine

The Influence of Menstrual Cycle Developing on the Chronic Nonatrophic Gastritis Activation in Women of Adolescent Age

Avramenko А. А.

The chronic non-atrophic gastritis (NAG) development is influenced by various factors: stress, immunity level lowering, level of acidity of gastric juice lowering, etc. It should be noted that in women an important role in NAG activation is played by the natural change in the hormonal background associated with the extinction of the reproductive function. At the same time, there is no data on the role of reproductive function development of woman in the NAG activation. 87 women with chronic non-atrophic gastritis, whose average age was 31.2 ± 1.27 years, were examined in a complex manner in the clinical department of the problematic laboratory on chronic Helicobacteriosis of the Black Sea National University named after Petro Mohyla. The complex examination included: step-by-step intragastric pH-metry, esophagogastroduodenoscopy according to the standard procedure, double testing for HP: urease activity test and microscopy of Giems-stained smear-prints, material for which was taken during endoscopy from 4 topographic zones, and histological examination of the gastric mucosa. When carrying out pH-metry all levels of acidity were detected except for anacidity. During the EGDS an active ulcer was not detected but 11 (12.6%) patients had manifestations of past ulcers of the duodenal bulb in the form of cicatricial deformation of different severity. When analyzing the data of histological studies, in all patients in 100% of cases chronic non-atrophic gastritis presence was confirmed. When testing for HP Helicobacter pylori infection was detected in 100% of cases. In the analysis of manifestations in the establishment of the menstrual cycle, three basic manifestations were identified: severe pain at the beginning of the cycle (77%), heavy blood loss (97.7%) and a long period of regular menstruation (acyclia) (73.6%), an average of 1.64 ± 0.34 years; a full gynecological “triad” was present in 62 (73.3%) of the examined patients. These results are explainable from the point of view of dyshormonism effect on the body's immune system: the activation of sex hormones led to the destabilization of the hormonal system, which led to destabilization and impairment of the immune system, as female sex hormones have a stronger effect on immunity than males. The deterioration of immune control activated the latent form of chronic non-atrophic gastritis, which led to the first pathological symptoms appearance, the leading one of which is epigastric pain. The appearance of this pathological symptom before the onset of the first manifestations of the development of the menstrual cycle testifies hormonal shift in the body. Thus, the gynecological “triad” of the period of the menstrual cycle development is a sharp pain at the onset of menstruation, abundant blood loss and acyclia are extragastric manifestations of chronic Helicobacteriosis; the presence of the “triad” may be a reason for testing teenage girls for Helicobacter pylori infection before the pathological manifestations appearance from the gastrointestinal tract and anti-Helicobacter therapy conduct.

Keywords: chronic non-atrophic gastritis, menstrual cycle

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