ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 23 of 42
УЖМБС 2017, 2(4): 127–131
Social medicine and organization of health care

Specifics of Modern Dermatological and Cosmetological Assistance Organization to Patient with Acne

Osipenko T.1, Al-Nagash M.2

According to WHO experts, skin diseases affect from 30 to 70% of people in the world every year. In Ukraine more than 2 million people annually seek dermatological and venereological care. Acne belongs to the most common dermatosis of facial localization and affects up to 85% of persons in adolescence and more than 40% of persons over 25 years old. Acne affects around 650 million people worldwide, which is 9.4% of the world’s population. The incidence of acne not only does not have a clear tendency to decrease, but also significantly increases. From the perspectives of different authors, in about 40% of patients with acne, not only medical, but also psychoemotional disorders of varying severity are noted. In the structure of the general incidence of anxiety-depressive disorders, patients with acne, according to statistical information, occupy the second place, ahead of many somatic and skin diseases. Acne is a significant medical and social problem, and the elimination of its consequences requires joint efforts of not only dermatovenereological specialists, but also cosmetology representatives. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the current condition of the dermatology-cosmetology care system for acne patients. Acne pathological process is characterized by a chronic, recurrent course, sometimes taking persistent and resistant to therapy forms. Conglobate, inverse, fulminant and other complicated forms refer to severe clinical forms of acne, in which there are often residual damages in the form of scars that disfigure the appearance. The treatment of the vast majority of acne forms is the relief of disease signs during an exacerbation and anti-relapse therapy. The outcome of the disease in many cases is the formation of secondary persistent skin changes, which include: enlarged skin pores, scars, dyschromia of affected areas, changes in blood vessels (dilated capillaries, erythema, spots associated with microcirculation disorders). All this leads to person’s dissatisfaction with his/her appearance and causes many psychological problems. Modern cosmetology can remove or mitigate post-acne manifestations. Its main purpose is preservation and renewal of person’s aesthetic health. Improved appearance affects social well-being, achievement of success, acquisition of material wealth, quality of human life, personal comfort. In case of acne patients it is also a reduction of psychological stress, increase of self-esteem and quality of life. Nowadays, Ukraine does not have a well-developed system of medical care for acne patients, which would combine the possibilities of dermatology and cosmetology. After the completion of treatment with a dermatologist, in case of complications in the form of various cosmetic defects, patients have to look for other ways to improve their appearance. In this regard, there is a strong need of unified system of dermatovenereological and cosmetological care for acne patients creation with a clear definition of the stages and sequence of actions aimed not only at treating the disease, but also eliminating its cosmetic consequences. To enable the creation of such a unified system, it is necessary to develop normative documents that would regulate such comprehensive care, as well as the optimal route of the patient to obtain the maximum effect from dermatological and cosmetology treatment. To sum up, dermatovenereological and cosmetology centers creation, on a self-supporting basis, in which patients with acne can receive a full range of services, can be a solution of current problem.

Keywords: dermatovenereological and cosmetological care, organization, acne

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