ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 43
УЖМБС 2017, 2(2): 204–208

The Impact of the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program on the Level of Adaptive Pressure of Children with Scoliosis of 7–16 Years Old

Dychko Е. A.

The paper concerns with the effectiveness of the developed complex of rehabilitation measures at the level of adaptive pressure of the body of children with scoliosis who are 7–16 years old. It has been found out that in children (girls and boys) with scoliosis the rehabilitation activities affect positively the level of adaptive pressure, in boys with scoliosis the areas of adaptive processes on the level of training and balanced activation have been revealed, and girls’ level of adaptive pressure is located in balance and increased adaptation activity, which is a positive prognostic indicator of the efficacy of the complex of physical rehabilitation. The aim of the research is to study the effect of the complex method of physical rehabilitation of children with scoliosis who are 7–16 years old on the adaptive-compensatory processes. Materials and methods. The basic research material was done in the specialized comprehensive secondary sanatorium boarding school for children with scoliosis in Oleksievo-Druzhkivka and School № 17 in Sloviansk, Donetsk region, Department of health and physical educational in State Higher Educational Establishment “Donbas State Pedagogical University”. 52 children with scoliosis were involved in the examination who were 7–16 years old (26 boys and 26 girls). For rehabilitation of school aged children with scoliosis, it was used the method of exercises, developed according to the children’s age, to the stages of defects, and other aspects. First figures indicate the general effect on all children with scoliosis, and then separately for boys and girls depending on age. Results and discussion. The leading role in ensuring the adaptive mechanisms of the body is played by blood system. The adaptive role of blood is primarily determined by its function of transport of nutrients and the main sources of energy for the cells and tissues. Blood system is one of the most important system for information about the processes which occur at the level of tissue structure and immune cells which are very sensitive to changes of environment and to the internal state of the organism. Therefore, the level of adaptive pressure is determined by the change in the relative number of lymphocytes and monocytes. The performed rehabilitation activities have virtually no effect on the adaptation index of the adaptation reactions of school aged children with scoliosis aged 10–16. But these rehabilitation activities have a positive influence on the individual adaptation response. The majority of children after the rehabilitation were in the area of training and balanced activation of adaptive processes. But in 77% of children the activation of adaptation processes was increased. The relevance of adaptation of these processes has certain dependence not only on the sex, pathological condition but also on age. Therefore, one carried out studies aimed at establishing the effect of the physical rehabilitation activities separately for boys and girls with scoliosis aged 7–10. Considering individual adaptive processes in boys with scoliosis who are 7–10 years old, a significant improvement of adaptation processes in 87.50% of boys at the level of training and balanced activation has been observed. Before the rehabilitation measures no one of the participants with scoliosis was at the level of balanced activation. The results of the rehabilitation measures in girls with scoliosis at the age of 7–10 years demonstrate that the index of adaptation that characterizes a stressful situation is not observed. The majority of 87.50% of girls with scoliosis have been referred to the area of training and balanced activation. The rehabilitation activities aimed at improving adaptive reactions of the organism of children with scoliosis at the age of 11–14 years contribute to the improvement of adaptation processes in boys and girls (by 15.22%). In boys and girls with scoliosis who are 15–16 years old rehabilitation activities affect positively the level of adaptive pressure. After rehabilitation in no boy a situation of pressure was observed, and for most of the girls the level of adaptive pressure was in the quiet area and in the area of high adaptation activity, which is a positive prognostic indicator of the effectiveness of the complex of physical rehabilitation. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The developed complex of rehabilitation exercises does not improve adaptive processes in school-girls who are 7–10 years old. In boys such rehabilitation measures were more effective. The next age group (11–14 years) presents the use of physical rehabilitation measures which is reflected in equal level of adaptive pressure. At the age of 15–16 years in girls with scoliosis the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures increased slightly compared to such processes in boys. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures gradually and moderately increases with age. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures depends on age and sex.

Keywords: children with scoliosis, adaptive pressure of cell reactivity

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