ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 26 of 43
УЖМБС 2017, 2(2): 149–160
Sports and labour Physiology

The Ways of Improving the Psychophysiological Selection and Monitoring of Professionally Important Qualities of Operators

Kalnysh V. V.1,2, Pashkovsky S. М.1, Stasyshyn R. O.2

Introduction. The problem of personnel which has been harressinq the minds of contemporary scientists and managers proves topical. The above problem is aimed at improving the ways of the professional selection and control of the state of professionally important qualities of experts. The solution of this problem makes it possible to further inprove the well-being of the human seciety. The goal of the paper is the substantion and development of new approaches aimed at improving the professional psychophysiological selection and monitoring of professionally important qualities of operators working in human and machine systems. Methods of research. The content analysis of references, as well as our own research. The methods of research and discussion. The problems related to the intellectual labour of present-day workers are highlighted; the difficulties connected with the procedure of the research are specified; the approaches to testing professionally important qualities are formulated. The emphasis is laid on the regularities of transforming professionally important qualities with short and long periods of time; the data related to the empirical proof of formulated proposals as to the ways of identifying professionally important qualities of operators; the theoretical substantiation of the suggested approach is presented; the problems of reaching the conclusion as to the professional suitability of a worker are discussed. Conclusions. The authors identify the peculiarities of making professional psychophysiological selection and monitoring of professionally important qualities of the worker which hamper obtaining valuable information as to his professional suitability. The authors also reveal the psychophysiological characteristics of operators which change insignificantly in the process of daily and night work of various duration as well as depending on their age. On the basis of the principles of the theory of the functional systems and systems genesis of PK Anokhin the theoretical substantiation of the developed approaches to specifying professionally important qualities of operators is made.

Keywords: professional selection, monitoring, psychophysiological functions, theory of functional systems of PK Anokhin, professionally important qualities

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