ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 11 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(1): 66–69
Clinical Medicine

Reactivity of the autonomic nervous system in students of Kharkiv National Medical University

Bausova O. B., Koliada T. I., Koliada O. M., Trach O. O.

Person's health as a bio-psycho-social and morpho-functional phenomenon essentially depends on the reactivity of the organism: biological (species), group (constitutional), individual (physiological and pathological), specific, nonspecific reactivity. Stress as a general adaptation syndrome (nonspecific reactivity), as well as features of the constitution (somatotype), the type of nervous system and temperament, significantly affect the mental health components and can contribute to affective, psychogenic (neurotic), psychosomatic personality disorders in students. The syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia (SVD) is one of the most common disorders of young people, which leads to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems in the future and is characterized by a decrease in the adaptive capacity of the organism.The aim of our work was to study the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system in students. The study of indices of vegetative tonus, vegetative maintenance of vital activity and vegetative reactivity on academic progress of students is carried out. It was found that a decrease in the activity of the sympathetic adrenal system and an increase in cholinergic influences lead to a decrease in learning achievement. The indices of the vegetative nervous system and the adaptive abilities of the "excellent" are higher than those of persons with good and satisfactory performance, but they are a risk group for disrupting adaptation. The dependence of the choice of the strategy of students' adaptation to the educational process on the functional state of the autonomous nervous system, as well as on such personal characteristics as creativity and psycho-emotional lability, was revealed. It is shown that the adaptation of students to the learning process is determined not only by its specificity, but also by the correspondence of the chosen specialization to individual-typological features. The variant of differentiation of students by types of adaptation depending on prevalence of specific or nonspecific mechanisms providing control of adaptive resources is offered. Thus, adaptation is expressed in changes in the functions and structure of tissues and organs, functional systems and the organism as a whole, which ensure the preservation of the organism as an integral living system when conditions of existence change. Such an understanding of adaptation corresponds to its content as an adaptive general biological and psychophysiological act of vital activity under various conditions.

Keywords: autonomic nervous system (VNS), reactivity, sympathicotonia, parasympathicotonia

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