ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 25 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(1): 137–141

Prognostic Efficiency of Intoxication Indices in Acute and Chronic Odontogenic Sinusitis in Maxillary Sinus

Pokhodenko-Chudakova I. O., Kravchenko V. O.

The importance of diagnostic and prognostic procedures in patients with sinusitis of the maxillary sinuses is determined by the fact that the disease is one of the most common and often recurred pathological processes. The frequency of diagnostic odontogenetic sinusitis ranges from 6 % to 50 % from total number damages of accessory sinuses of the nose. But some researchers consider that the frequency increased on 8 % over 10 years. It is known that over recent 5 years in more than 30 countries the morbidity increased on 2 times and hospitalization period also increases on 1,5−2 % annually. Also the growth of patients number was determined with diagnosis such chronic sinusitis, frequency of which contains from 12 % to 40 %. The aim of this paper is to compare evaluation of the most frequently used in clinical practice indices of intoxication (Leukocyte index of intoxication by V. K. Ostrovsky (LIIO), nuclear index (NI), the index of the blood leukocytes change (IBLC)) in acute and chronic odontogenic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus. Methods and materials. It was made the retrospective data analysis of medical records of 784 patients who received treatment for acute or chronic sinusitis from 2009 to present time in the «clinical hospital № 11», (Minsk). All patients were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 464 patients with acute sinusitis of the maxillary sinus. The second one consisted of 320 patients who had verified diagnosis of chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus. One checked the indexes of intoxication (LIIO, NI, IBLC) for all patients. The prognostics efficiency of indices of intoxication in patients of the first group made in LIIO − 85%, NI – 72%, according to IBLC− 80%. While in the second group prognostic effectiveness of the same indices was 61%, 54% and 78%, respectively. Results. The presented results indicate the need for differentiated approach to the use of indices of intoxication with prognostic purpose in patients with odontogenic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus, depending on the nature of the infection inflammatory process development. In the acute phase of the disease, it is recommended to use LIIO, NI, IBLC in chronic − IBLC. Prospects for further investigation. It is necessary and important to compare evaluation of the most frequently used in clinical practice indices of intoxication (Leukocyte index of intoxication by V. K. Ostrovsky (LIIO), nuclear index (NI), the index of the blood leukocytes change (IBLC)) in acute and chronic odontogenic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus in further researches.

Keywords: prognostication, sinusitis of the maxillary sinus, indices of intoxication

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