ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 20 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(1): 114–117
Clinical Medicine

Viscosity of the Erythrocyte’s Suspension in Patients with Heart Failure Based on Comorbidity

Pavliukovych N. D.

Red blood cells are sensitive to the different environmental effects, therefore various pathological processes, which are based on the hypoxia, intoxication, disorders of the cellular metabolism, which are followed with the changes of their functional and morphological properties. Detection of the functional state of erythrocytes can provide some information about the origin and degree of severity of the pathological process. The aim. The article deals with the investigation of the changes of erythrocyte suspension relative viscosity in patients with heart failure, diabetes mellitus type 2 and anemia. Materials and methods. 120 patients with chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus type 2 and anemia were involved in the investigation. They were divided into groups according to the degree of anemia severity. The control group for comparative investigations included 20 healthy individuals, whose age did not differ statistically from the average age of the patients of research groups and corresponded them in the sex distribution. The relative viscosity of the erythrocyte suspensions was determined by O.F. Pyrohova, V.D. Dzhordzhykiya (modificated by Z.D.Fedorova, M.O.Kotovschykova). Results. Anemic syndrome comorbid to chronic heart failure contributed to the decrease of the erythrocytes relative viscosity to 0,97±0,02 (1,09±0,04 in the patients of the control group). In patients with chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus type 2 relative viscosity of the erythrocytes suspension increased to 1,38±0,02 (р<0,05) and differed statistically from patients with heart failure and anemia (р<0,05). Analysis of the change of erythrocyte suspension viscosity in patients with chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus type 2 according to the degree of comorbid anemia demonstrated that the dynamic of its change was not equal. In patients with heart failure, diabetes and concomitant mild anemia increasing of erythrocytes relative viscosity was determined (1,68±0,03 compared to 1,38±0,02, р<0,05). Alongwith worsening of the anemia course it was found tendency to decrease of relative viscosity of the erythrocyte’s suspension (р<0,05). Conclusion. Thus, in patients with chronic heart failure with comorbid anemia it was found decrease of the relative viscosity of the erythrocyte’s suspension. In case of the combined course of heart failure, diabetes mellitus type 2 and anemia relative viscosity of the erythrocytes depends on the severity of anemic syndrome.

Keywords: heart failure, diabetes mellitus type 2, anemia, erythrocyte

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