ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 7 of 50
УЖМБС 2016, 1(2): 33–36

Morphometrical Evaluation Structural Reconstruction Vessels of Hemomicrocirculatory Bed of Atrium at Hypertension in Small Circle of Circulation of Blood

Hnatjuk M. S., Slabyy O. B., Tatarchuk L. V.

Today pulmonary heart becomes more important due to the significant growth of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic forms of tuberculosis, industrial lung injury in which the main cause of disability and mortality is pulmonary heart. Pathogenesis last quite complex and multifaceted that greatly complicates adequate, timely diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary heart. Hemomicrocirculatory bad cardiac muscle plays an important role in patomorfogenesis pulmonary heart. Changes microvessels pathological cardiac muscle studied mostly in its ventricles and features hemomicrocirculatory bed atrial remodeling at different changes in hemodynamics is not fully studied. The aim of this article was to study morphometric characteristics reconstruction hemomicrocirculatory bed of left and right atrium at hypertension in the pulmonary circulation. Complex morphological methods of research vessels hemomicrocirculatory bad left and right atria 25 laboratory mature male rats that were divided into 3-group. Group 1 consisted of six intact rats, the second - 12 experimental animals modeled with hypertension in the pulmonary circulation and compensatory pulmonary heart, third - 7 rats modeled with pulmonary hypertension and decompensatory pulmonary heart. The last was confirmed a presence in experimental animals of shortbreathing, blue shadows of mucosa shells, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, stagnant phenomenon in the organs of the large circle of circulation of blood. Hypertension in the pulmonary circulation and pulmonary heart simulated exercise in animals right-side pulmonectomy. Surgeries performed tiopental-natrium anesthesia in terms of compliance with the rules of septic tanks and antiseptics. After 3 months from the beginning of the experiment, rats euthanasia performed bloodletting in terms tiopental-natrium anesthesia. Heart cut by the method of G. G Avtandilov, held separate weighing and planegeometry heart chambers. Hemomicrocirculatory bad in the left and right atria studied by injection of the coronary vessel ink-gelatin mixture, which was administered through the antegrade thoracic aorta. After 3-4 hours after filling the bloodstream hearts specified sampling was carried out with a mixture of pieces of different parts of the myocardium, which were fixed in 10 % neutral formalin solution for 2 weeks. In freezing microtome cuts produced 30-40 microns thick pieces that placed in ethanol growing concentration in clear salicylic acid methyl ester and placed in polystyrol. Morphometric arteriolar diameters were determined before, the precapillaries, capillaries, postcapillaries and venules. Quantitative indicators were treated statistically. Conducted research found that right pulmonectomy led to arterial hypertension in the pulmonary circulation, pulmonary heart disease and severe structural reconstruction hemomicrocirculatory bed vessels of the left and right atrium. Morphological alteration angioarchitectonics microvessels of the left and right atrium characterized by a marked narrowing of the lumen arterioles, precapillaries, capillaries and widening venous part (postkapillaries, venules) hemomicrocirculatory bad, venous plethora, hypoxia, degeneration of tissues and cells, infiltrative and sclerotic processes. Structural changes microvessels prevail in right auricle and in the decompensatory pulmonary heart.

Keywords: hemomicrocirculatory bad, atrium, pulmonary heart

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