ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 50
УЖМБС 2016, 1(2): 203–207

Experimental Determination of Toxicity and evaluation of Sensitizing Mucosal Gel "Nanogold"

Tkach O.B.1, Levytskyj A.P.2

Purpose - Experimental evaluation of toxic-hygienic indicators of mucosal gel "nanogold." Materials and methods. For experimental evaluation of toxic-hygienic indicators of mucosal gel "nanogold" used mature animals rats weighing 150-190 g at the age of 2-3 months and mice, weighing 20 grams, the aged - 3 months. On the stages of the study was determined by acute and subacute effects mucosal gel "nanogold" when applied to the skin and the gel when administered to test animals directly into the stomach. As determined by skin - irritating to mucosal gel on the skin and oral mucosa. By holding local reactions were evaluated sensitizing effect of the gel. Results. The study of acute and subacute toxicity when applied to the skin pointed to the absence of the toxic effect of mucosal gel "nanogold". It is also not observed any abnormalities in behavior and physiological condition of the experimental animals. When evaluating acute and sub-acute toxicity mucosal gel "nanogold" when administered into the stomach found that the introduction into the stomach of the gel does not cause noticeable changes in the behavior of rats. All the animals survived. Subacute toxicity assessment was performed on the following parameters: the weight gain of the animals in the experiment, the morphological composition of the blood, the protein content and activity of transaminases in the serum, macro- and microscopic examination of the internal organs. Visual observation of the rats during the experiment revealed no deviations from the normal physiological state. Behavioral responses, as well as the state of the wool, skin, mucous membranes were normal. Research harmless gel "nanogold" were supplemented by a macroscopic examination of the internal organs of animals held immediately after slaughter. In the experimental rats did not reveal any abnormalities. The final stage was the morphological study of the vital organs of rats: liver, kidney, spleen, heart, lungs, stomach. Studies have shown that the gel does not have a toxic effect on the tissues examined organs. The studies also found that the index of skin-irritating to mucosal gel "nanogold" amounted to 0 points - no skin-irritant. Also, the gel "nanogold" carries irritating to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity (irritation factor does not exceed 0.4.) Index sensitizing of gel "nanogold" was less than unity, indicating a lack of sensitizing effect from this drug. Conclusions. As a result of toxicological studies we can conclude that mucosal gel "nanogold" carries no toxicity at multiple injections on the structure and function of vital organs and is substantially harmless.

Keywords: nanogold, mucosal gels, toxic and hygienic characteristics, skin-irritating, the sensitizing effect, morphological composition of blood, protein, transaminase activity

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