ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 38 of 50
УЖМБС 2016, 1(2): 172–175

Anti-Stress Effect L-Tryptophan and its Metabolic Correlates, as a Predictor of Neurological Diseases

Savchenko V.N.1, Kratenko A.S.1, Nikolenko E.Ya.1, Sokruto O.V.1, Vovk K.V.1, Letik I.V.2, Kvitchataya A.I.3

Stress is an important mechanism for the preservation and maintenance of homeostasis in living systems. At the same time, from 75 to 90% of all human diseases associated with activation of stress mechanisms.The search for effective stressoprotektor most relevant among the compounds that affect the physiological mechanisms of protection from stress. Of particular interest are the main means of action neurotransmitter amino acid tryptophan. The contents of these metabolites in the bore, wherein the body serotonergic neurons are changed as follows. The levels of tryptophan and kynurenine are reduced, serotonin is not changed. L-tryptophan normalizes the kynurenine, but not tryptophan, in the trunk. The level of serotonin in the structure is not changed in this structure, the introduction of L-tryptophan. Condition of tryptophan metabolism in the cerebellum in status epilepticus include tryptophan and serotonin levels are significantly reduced, and kynurenine is not changed. Exogenous L-tryptophan will not restore the level of the substrate, but normalizes increases serotonin and kynurenine in the cerebellum. L-tryptophan under ES affects the metabolism of tryptophan in various brain structures, which is manifested by reduction of the level of its metabolites. Introduction of these conditions causes the L-tryptophan restore serotonin levels in the cerebellum and hypothalamus, kynurenine - all structures except cortex, increasing it to above normal cerebellum. Stress-protective effect of L-tryptophan is probably due to increased synthesis of serotonin.

Keywords: stress, tryptophan

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