ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 29 of 50
УЖМБС 2016, 1(2): 135–138

The Enzyme Membrain-Associated Complex Activity in Rat Brain under Imidazolin Containing Organic Compounds Action

Maksymova І.G.

The aim of the study was to determine the Na+, K+ -ATPase, adenylyl- and guanylyl cyclase synaptosome faction activity in the brain of rats at 30-day toxicity by imidazoline mixtures in 1/10 and 1/100 LD50 doses. Materials and methods. The paper uses examples of MIM with alkyl radicals C7-9 (MIM7-9) and C9-15 (MIM9-15). Experiments carried out on the mature male rats Wistar, weighing 180-220 g. Maintenance and manipulation with animals were carried out according to the principles of bioethics. They were subjected to oral intoxification by probe using by aqueous solutions of compounds once daily per 30 days at a 1/100 LD50 dose. Middle-lethal doses (LD50) were: for MIM7-9 – 1,8 g/kg; MIM9-15 – 5,0 g/kg of body weight. The animals of the control group were injected by the corresponding volume of drinking water. The parameter study performed at 30 days after the start of the experiment. Each group contained 15 animals. Slaughter was performed by decapitation, with pre-anesthesia by sodium thiopental. The Na+ K+-ATP-ase, adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase activity in synaptosomal fraction of rat brain at 30th day of industrial chemical environmental pollutants – imidasoline mixtures influence have been studied in the paper to be necessary for full disclosure of biochemical mechanisms of membranotropic action. Imidasoline-containing mixtures with alkyl radicals С7.9 і С9-15 at 1/10 and 1/100 LD50 doses cause the change of membrane-associated enzyme activity to be confirmed by the decrease of Na+, K+-ATP-ase, adenylyl cyclase activity on the background of guanylyl cyclase increase. Revealed violations are one of pathogenetic links of biochemical mechanisms of imidasoline mixture membranotropic action to be considered in means of correction developing. Summarizing the results, it should be made the following conclusions. Against the background of prolonged toxicity by MIM in 1/10 and 1/100 LD50 doses synaptosome fraction of rat brain membrane enzyme activity is changing, as evidenced by decreased activity of Na+, K+ -ATPase, adenylyl cyclase on the background of increasing guanylyl cyclase. Change of membrane-associated enzyme complexes activity in the brain of rats is one of the pathogenetic mechanism of links membrane tropic MIM action to be considered when developing the means of correction.

Keywords: imidasoline mixtures, rats, brain, microsomes, Na+ K+-ATP-ase, adenylyl cyclase, guanylyl cyclase

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