ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 12 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 58–61

Psychophysiological Models Sensation and Perception of Speech Signals: in what Intelligibility Difference

Karamzina L.A.

It is known that the auditory system of man is percipient sounds of different modals (tones, noises, speech) in a frequency range 20 Hz ÷ 20 kHz. For a man, major is perception of language the frequency range of that is limited to the values 200 Hz ÷ 6000 Hz. Documenting process sensation, perception and intelligibility of speech signals at research of hearing-speech communication of the person in various audiological models was studied. It was established that existence of two curves of legibility words and numbers aren't competent, and the removed uniform curve of legibility for all speech signals has under itself evidential base. It was shown that the part of speech (a noun, a numeral, an adjective, etc.) doesn't influence psychophysiological processes, and the condition of the carrying-out ways influences. Thus the sensation, perception and intelligibility of the heard speech signals occur at various levels of sound pressure. The undifferentiated speech threshold for a concrete measuring device is a permanent value and 7 дБ (in relation to a 2∙10-5 Pa) equals. The dynamic range of speech is calculated as a difference in dB between the level of voice pressure (SPL) for 100 percents of speech intelligibility and SPL for 0 percents speech intelligibility (id est 7 дБ). For intelligibility of speech it is accepted to count such degree of clearness speech, at that a listener with the that or other degree of authenticity correctly recreates 50 percents from speech signals set the to him [9]. Speech signals that apply in measuring of speech rumor of man are words and numbers, formed in two tables first from that, - table of words of the real Russian, offered Grinberg and Zinder in 1957, second is the table of numerals, offered Kharshak in 1964. The value of dynamic range of speech predetermines inclination of the crooked intelligibility in a coordinate scale, that testifies to the rate of legibi. It was set on results the conducted tests, that recognition of words and numbers was identical and it is represented on a speech audiogramme general after configuration crooked of growth of speech intelligibility. Speech intelligibility was estimated after configuration of curves of intelligibility of words and numbers. Speech intelligibility is the integral estimation of speech signal and in accordance to international standard of ISO/TR 4870 it is determined as a "degree, with that a speech can be clear (deciphered) a listener". In particular, in audiology the "degree of speech clearness, with that a listener by the that or other degree of authenticity can correctly recreate 50 percents speech signals" him, sets to speech intelligibility.

Keywords: speech signals, sensation, perception, intelligibility

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