ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 5 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 28–32

The Comparative Analysis of Properties New Domestic Microhybrid Sealing a Material for Regenerative Treatment / Restorations Caries Defects of a Teeth

Birjukova M.M.

Promising areas of research, including on problems of dental materials science and clinical therapeutic dentistry is the application of quantitative methods for the evaluation of clinical and technological efficiency of the material, the quality of fixation of fillings and restoration of carious defects with the assessment of clinical effectiveness the results of monitoring of small game. It should be noted that having studied the professional literature on different degrees of evidence of clinical and experimental data, reinforces the use of new integrated approaches to the study of the effectiveness of the use of dental filling materials, can be accomplished through the application of modern quantitative logistic methods. Therefore, a clear need to perform a comparative analysis of physical — mechanical and technological properties of the material domestic mkraid "LATELUX" and foreign counterparts and opracowana way of assessing the quality of composite filling materials. Study of physical-mechanical (appearance, volumetric shrinkage, strength in axial and diametral compression, water absorption, microhardness and abrasion resistance polymerisate) and clinical and technological properties (depth approval, the microporosity) identified the complexity and adequacy assessments. Comparative analysis of physical and mechanical properties of domestic mkraid material for sealing with foreign counterparts showed that in terms of volumetric shrinkage polymerizate developed material it significantly (p<0.05) different from peers; volumetric shrinkage of the material "LATELUX" is (2,14+0,08)%, whereas foreign equivalents this indicator ranges from (2,53±0,07)% - "Herculite" (2,61 ±0.03)% in material "Valux Plus". The variability/stability of this property in all the compared materials were within 5.0% and the standard requirements. The comparison of experimental data relative to the measure of the strength of materials under axial compression have found that the most stable was the property of a material "Herculite" and the most variable - in material "Valux Plus", but in absolute terms the material "LATELUX" has intermediate values of strength under axial compression — (357,3±4,0) MPa, whereas that of foreign analogues, the rate ranged from (424,0±6,0) MPa - material "Valux Plus" (304,0±2,9) MPa - material "Therafil-31". Strength at diametrically compressing dosugovyh materials ranged from (53,5±1.1) MPa, the material "Therafil-31" to (62,9±1,4) MPa - material "Valux Plus". Comparative analysis of clinical and technological properties of domestic mkraid material for sealing with foreign counterparts showed that in terms of depth Palmeras "LATELUX" similar material "Herculite" (respectively: 7,1+0,03) mm and (7.2±0,05) mm; p>0.05) and significantly different from the materials "Valux Plus"-(8,3±0,08) mm and "Therafil - 31"-(7,4±0,07) mm in low variability and high level of play and experiment. The level of water absorption of the material "LATELUX" is (6,8+0,4)%, whereas among peers - this level ranges from (6,4+0,5)% (p>0.05). In the study, the treated method of quality assessment of composite filling material, characterized in that the quality of composite filling material is evaluated quantitatively by the generalized metric. It is proved that further improvement is important for clinical practice properties of the material "LATELUX" can be done by increasing the depth of the statement and strength in axial and diametrical compression. However, it is clear that further studies are necessary, since they relate to the study in a model experiment ultrastructure fixation of seals for different classes of carious cavities by black and to investigate the clinical efficacy of rehabilitation treatment.

Keywords: stomatology, sialing a material. properties

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