ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 35 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 169–173

Influence of Metylkarbitol and 2-Metoksyetanol Aesthetic Indicators for Water Reservoirs and Sanitary Condition of Impact on Remote Warm-Blooded Animals

Kucherenko V.P., M.G. Shcherban, V.I. Zhukov, A.I. Bezrodnaya

In technological schemes at the stages of catalysis, hydration, drying, washing equipment and apparatus produced a large amount of wastewater containing themselves as "Laproly" different brands and products as their thermal and hydrolytic decomposition. In wastewater among the main products of hydrolytic degradation and thermal oxidation most common hydrocarbons, aldehydes (acetic, propionic), alcohols (methanol, ethanol, isobutanol, isopropanol), acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, metylkarbitol, ethyl acetate, dioxane, etc., which are well studied in toxicological and sanitary respect, they reasoned hygienic standards in the environment. But among the products of thermal and hydrolytic degradation ordinary Oligoesters in high concentrations occur 2-metoksyetanol and metylkarbitol for which no data on the potential hazard. The aim was to study the impact metylkarbitol and 2-metoksyetanol aesthetical parameters of water, sanitary water mode and the body of warm-blooded animals to justify the maximum permissible concentration in water, water bodies drinking and cultural and community purpose. Pollution of water by these substances in high concentrations can lead to deterioration of organoleptic properties and breach of water, in concentrations greater than 20.0 mg / L can stimulate biochemical processes use oxygen, inhibit the growth and development of the saprophyte microflora, reinforce processes of nitrification of nitrogenous substances. The most toxic is the 2-metoksyetanol; Least - metylkarbitol. Teratogenic effect of the test substances are observed.

Keywords: metylkarbitol, 2-metoksyetanol, sanitary condition of water pollution

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