ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 32 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 152–157

Assessment of Reproductive Health in Different Age Groups of Cherkasy Region Population`

Zagoruiko N.V., Yashchuk L.B.

Infertility in the family has recently become a complicated medical problem. According to WHO, about 10% of couples are not able to fertilize. This situation is persistent both in Europe and in Ukraine. Given the state of depopulation of the nation it is an acute ptoblem for Ukraine. The aim of the study was to investigate the infertility and other reproductive diseases arising due to various reasons in men and women of different age groups in Cherkasy region The causes of infertility are classified into two groups: the first group consists of causes related to physical health and functional conditions of a person; the second includes the reasons which are directly related to lifestyle (habits, stress, hard work). Under the influence of negative environmental factors a high incidence of reproductive diseases, complications of pregnancy and childbirth is observed. Male infertility is rather acquired than inbourn. The growth of male infertility dynamics has recently been marked in Cherkasy region. This problem is most common among men aged 18 to 25 years. Thus it indicates the general trend to the process of male infertility growth, which is likely due to harmful habits such as alcohol abuse, especially beer abuse. Every fourth Ukrainian proves to be a heavy drinker and is a person under the age of 35 years. Beer alcoholism causes cerebration and abnormalities in endocrine organs. Women usually suffer from infertility, men have problems with potency. According to the World Health Organization, in 2012 Ukraine became a leader among 41 countries by the number of teenagers who regularly consume alcohol. Recent polls show that 76% of adolescents (ages 14 to 16 years) have consumed alcoholic beverages where beer was the most popular. 22% of pupils and students of secondary and higher educational institutions drink alcohol almost every day or at least several times a week, and in particular this applies to beer and soft drinks. Testosterone production is suppressed in men who regularly consume beer, and the production of female hormones increases. Female infertility in Cherkasy and Cherkasy region constitutes about 80% of infertile marriages. The main causes of infertility in women is endocrine disorders occuring in 20 - 50% of cases in married couples. It has a very multifaceted etiology and pathogenesis of various abnormalities, which eventually lead to the absence or violation of the egg, inability to ovulate, inadequate corpus luteum. Due to the birth crisis the number of teenagers aged 15-17 years constituting the reproductive potential of our country is falling. Therefore many of them have delay in the sexual development. Moreover, a total increase in the number of gynecological diseases among adolescent girls has increased. The structure of chronic diseases of childbearing female, the pathology of the endocrine system are rapidly growing, increasing the frequency of genital lesions and urogenital system Almost 8% of females of 15-17 years old suffer from inflammation of female genitals, which basically is a complication after abortion. A large number of abortions at a young age occupies one of the main places among the causes of adverse changes in the reproductive health of women. 75% of pregnancies in early childhood result in abortion. Official statistics in our country indicates that during one year from 370 to 450,000 such operations are made in Ukraine, but unofficial data indicates even higher figure that is one million. 15% of all abortions are performed to teenagers. Only 100 babies are born and 101 abortions are performed. The consequences of teenage sexual life include pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, poor newborn health and infertility. 70% of pregnancies result in early fetal prematurity, 15% result in abortion. Every third woman has complications after abortion, the frequency of complications can reach 40% in first time mothers. The main complications of abortion include infertility, genital inflammatory diseases, endocrine disorders, impaired pregnancy and childbirth. Female infertility prevention includes the prevention of infectious diseases in childhood, in puberty, inflammation in adult women.

Keywords: reproductive health, man's and female infertility, endocrine frustration, way of life, prevalence of addictions, negative dynamics

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