ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 66 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(4): 479–483
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

The Social Mechanism of Self-Development of the System of Recreational Motor Activity of the Population of Ukraine in Conditions of the Circular Economy

Putiatina H. M.

The sphere of fitness and recreation as a socio-natural system acts a demanded branch of life activity, which causes the need to form an appropriate management apparatus in an integrated system of mutually agreed social relations, and represents the corresponding political and economic state structure. The field of fitness and recreation is considered a fairly new and promising sector of the national economy in the framework of solving the goals of sustainable development in the circular economy. The system of recreational motor activity needs certain changes, which are ambiguous, quite contradictory, and relate to all elements of the socio-economic mechanism of functioning in the sphere of physical culture and sports. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the social mechanism of self-development of the system of recreational motor activity of the population of Ukraine in the context of the circular economy. Material and methods: abstraction, analysis, and synthesis, induction and deduction, system approach, organizational modeling. Results and discussion. The main social technologies for meeting the global challenges of sustainable development in the context of the circular economy were described. Specific directions and conditions of effective influence on the level of fitness and recreation sphere development were considered. The essence of the social mechanism is a necessary condition for building a purposeful practical activity in the field of forming the state of society, state, and personality by fitness and recreation means. The interaction optimization of elements of the social mechanism of self-development of the system of health-recreational motor activity of the population of Ukraine was proposed. Conclusion. The study showed that the main directions for the implementation of the aims of self-development of the system of recreational motor activity of the population in the conditions of the circular economy are favorable state policy; design and innovation; attraction of investments; business and consumer support; modernization of internal policy and management goals of all elements of the system of health-recreational motor activity of the population.

Keywords: sphere of fitness and recreation, fitness trends, optimization, management, strategy

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