ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 65 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(4): 470–478
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Physical Development and Physical Preparedness of Cadets of Engineering Specialties of the Higher Military Institution

Pankevich Y., Afonin V.

In the conditions of modern military conflicts (Anti-Terrorist Operation zone), when the conduct of hostilities is primarily stationary, inactive, specialists from engineering units are important because they build shelters for personnel and equipment, facilities for firing and surveillance, cover and mask explosive positions, build fences and obstacles, arrange water crossings and the like. All this led to increasing the importance of engineering specialties. It should be noted that the development and improvement of the general and special physical fitness of servicemen of various military specialties have been studied by many specialists. They investigated and proposed means and methods for increasing the physical (and combat) readiness of military personnel of mechanized units (infantry), airmobile units (paratroopers), reconnaissance units, peacekeeping units and special operations forces, artillery and tank units, cameramen and others. At the same time, a large group of specialists of the engineering troops with their special professional tasks and requirements for physical fitness remained out of sight of the researchers. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of physical development and physical fitness of cadets of the Higher School of Higher Education, the future specialists of engineering departments, and the impact of the author’s physical training program for cadets of engineering specialties on improving their physical fitness. Material and methods. We used the following methods in our study: theoretical (analysis and generalization of literary sources) to reveal the essence of the problem and determine ways to solve it; pedagogical methods (observation, testing, experiment) to justify and determine the effectiveness of the author’s physical training program for cadets of engineering specialties; methods of mathematical statistics for processing experimental data and assessing reliability. Theoretical analysis was carried out by studying the materials of research by scientists over the past 10-15 years. Studies on the physical preparation of many military specialties of various types and branches of the armed forces were worked out. The formation experiment was carried out during the school year with third-year cadets divided into an experimental and control group of 60 people. The level of physical development and physical fitness was determined by means and methods generally accepted in scientific practice. The methods of mathematical statistics based on the EXCEL 2010 program allowed us to determine the average indicators, the error of the average indicator, the reliability of the results, and the like. Results and discussion. The results of our studies proved that a special program of physical exercises aimed at improving strength training and endurance of cadets gave positive results. Thus, the results of the experimental group significantly exceeded the results of cadets in the control group in the majority of indicators of physical development and preparedness of cadets. For example, in pull-ups on the crossbar, the results in the experimental group increased by 45.6%, and in the control group it increased by 15.4%, the deadweight in the experimental group increased by 12.2%, in the control group it increased by 2%. At the same time, the results of the cadets of the control group in the 3000m race significantly increased by 4.5%, while in the experimental they increased by 3%. This can be explained by the long training time of cadets in the control group in running exercises. Conclusion. We recommend to use the tested program of monthly training during the preparation of cadets of engineering departments.

Keywords: author’s program, cadets, strength training

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