ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 67 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(4): 484–491
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Peculiarities of the Structure of Hand-to-Hand Combat Training and Mechanisms for its Correction

Chernozub A. A. 1, Potop V. 2, Adamovich R. G. 1, Shtefiuk I. K. 1, Sherstiuk L. V. 1

The paper presents the results of determining the professional opinion of leading coaches on the peculiarities of the structure of hand-to-hand combat training and the mechanisms of its correction during training and competitive activity. The purpose of the work was to determine the most common structure of the main part of the training session from the viewpoint of hand-to-hand combat coaches and to find effective mechanisms for correcting technical, tactical and physical training taking into account the individual characteristics of athletes. Material and methods. In the process of research, we developed a questionnaire to conduct the survey of 30 hand-to-hand combat coaches, 15 of them have the title of Honored Coach of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat. The developed questionnaire is characterized by ready-made blocks of answers to each question concerning the percentage distribution of the load on each type of training. Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that (40 ± 8.9) % of coaches used a complex training structure in the main part of training session, which included many factors influencing the athlete's body. Thus, they believe that most of the time (35%) should be given to integral training, which is based on the improvement of technical skill, together with the individual development of speed, power, accuracy, which is necessary during training, corrective and competitive combats. At the same time, 30% of the time is allotted to the improvement of physical training, both general and special, in the main part, which helps to increase the functional capabilities of the body of athletes. The smallest share of training time (15%) is given to studying combat techniques and improving technical training. The results of the study indicated that from 40 to 50% of hand-to-hand combat coaches used a large number of different options for the ratio of tactical, technical and physical training in the main part of a training session, the structure of which was significantly different from standard training in this type of martial arts widely represented in special scientific and methodological literature. This diversity is primarily due to the previous specialization of the respondents, their technical school and peculiar approaches to the tactics of training and conducting fights, which is based on many years of experience in sports and coaching. Conclusion. The study results showed that almost 40% of the leading hand-to-hand combat coaches in Ukraine used non-standard correction mechanisms to improve the training process. The corresponding discrepancy is associated with the lack of a generalized structure of the training session, an integrated system of control and management of the training process, which will take into account not only the level of training of athletes, but also their individual functional body capabilities and the course of adaptive changes in response to different physical stimuli.

Keywords: structure of a training session, hand-to-hand combat, correction mechanisms, control and management

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