ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 4 of 13
JMBS 2019, 4(3): 26–32
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Physical Training and its Dependence on Officers’ of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Attitude to Self-Improvement

Anokhin Ye. 1, Radkevich O. 2, Gusak O. 2

The level of physical training of officers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is decreasing each year. This is due to the lack of physical self-improvement formation even while studying in a military education institution. The purpose of the study was to determine the dynamics of the physical training of officers after graduating from a higher military education institution, depending on their attitude to physical self-improvement. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization (for studying the results of scientific researches of scientists regarding the raised problem); pedagogical observation (questionnaire); methods of mathematical statistics (for the processing of experimental data and evaluation of reliability). 94 officers of the first and second age groups participated in the questionnaire. Two groups of officers were formed: those who had positive attitude towards the physical self-improvement (n = 29) and those who are not engaged in any physical activity and do not have a formed attitude to physical training (n = 65). Pedagogical testing was carried out following the instructions of the Physical Training Guidelines, which characterized the development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed and endurance). Results and discussion. The obtained results of officers’ physical preparedness at the age of 29-30 firmly proved that those who had good attitude towards physical self-improvement decreased the level of basic physical qualities development, but passed the test on physical preparedness well enough. The results of officers who do not want to practice physical activity were significantly worse (p <0.001) and led to non-compliance with the standards of physical training for the target category. We confirmed the results of many scholars who stated that during the period of studying at higher military education institution, a cadet did not cultivate a feeling of personal interest in regular physical exercises. As a result, an officer who graduated from a higher military education institution has no value attitude to physical self-improvement, which leads to the negative dynamics of physical preparedness, while performing officer’s duties. Conclusions. The study showed that only up to 30% of junior officers had good attitude to physical perfection after graduating an educational institution. The dynamics of physical preparedness of the officer has negative characteristics after the third year of study at a higher military education institution, and continues during the performance of officer’s duties. Positive attitude to physical self-improvement of officers allows maintaining a sufficient level of physical preparedness in the first and second age groups, also contributes to the transfer of physical self-improvement to indicators of professional preparedness.

Keywords: independent classes, physical training, self-improvement, value attitude, cadet, officer

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