ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 3 of 13
JMBS 2019, 4(3): 20–25
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Analysis of the Daily Diet Structure of Skilled Archers Practicing in Specialized Sports Institutions of Lviv

Pazychuk Olha

Balanced diet arrangement for athletes is one of the essential factors of health maintenance and work efficiency improvement. An athlete’s body is regarded as a functional system, all the elements of which participate in maintaining physiologicalhomeostasis, a constancy of internal and external environment, a continuous constructive and destructive metabolism supporting balance with the surrounding setting. The actual composition of archers’ diet ration is far from the main stream requirements that are indispensable for high quality medical and biological provision of training and competitive processes. The purpose of the study was to analyze the dietary rations of archers. Material and methods. 30 skilled archers aged from 15 to 20 took part in the research. They recorded their dietary during 30 days into the record books. The following research methods were applied to solve the purpose: the theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological publications, documentary method, educational observations, medical and biological methods and methods of mathematical statistics. Results and discussion. Analyzing the dietary routine of archers one could come to conclusions that the athletes do not stick to proper dietary pattern, taking meals with no appropriate time appointment, without clearly defined time intervals between meals. All the examined athletes did not miss breakfasts, since it is considered to be important for the archers. Dinner was regarded as the most significant of all meals. The athletes participating in the experiment indicated in their nutrition diaries that having dinner was mandatory for them. Nevertheless, analyzing the athletes’ ration regime we noted that three athletes missed 2 dinners during all the 14 days of observations. The qualified athletes’ dietary intake food composition is wrongly elaborated and often includes junk food. Most archers are used to triple food consumption diet a day, and only one athlete keeps to 4-times food intake per day. Scarce nutrition regime might impose a negative effect upon athlete’s physical fitness. For breakfast, most athletes have tea, bread and butter, sausages, hard and melted cheese, which could cause rapid body exhaustion. For luncheon, most athletes prefer some juice with baked goods, taking the same stuff for an afternoon snack. For supper most athletes have main meals with side dishes. The quantitative ratio of qualified archers’ diet should be adequately sufficient and must fully cover energy and plastic efforts of the body, chiefly during training sessions and competitions.

Keywords: athletes, rational nutrition, meals, food stuffs

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