ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 2 of 13
JMBS 2019, 4(3): 13–19
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Means Of Physical Education - A Guide For The Restoration Of The Business Of The Vehicles After The Containment Of The Main Brain

Matveyko O. 1, Kuninets S. 2, Boyarchuk O. 3, Romanchuk V. 3, Yavorsky A. 1

Military actions leave a big mark on the spiritual and psychological state of a man, and not everyone can return to society and lead an ordinary calm life. Concussion is one of the most common injuries during military actions. Servicemen suffer from this injury three times as often as other combat wounds. The main problem is the fact that this pathology is extremely serious and not all servicemen recognize the injury. Finding new ways of organization of physical training and rational use of available means of physical education may help the servicemen to recover after concussion. The purpose of the study was to determine the use of means of physical education for servicemen recovery after the brain injury. Material and methods. Analysis and generalization (for the study of medical cards and medical records of servicemen, results of scientific research on raised problems, literary sources on organization of physical education for patients with concussion); pedagogical observation (questionnaire) to define the effect of servicemen combat stress disorder, further relapses, understanding the trauma in general and subjective opinion on the use of physical exercises in the recovery process after brain concussion. Results and discussion. The combat stress disorder was observed in 40% and in 25-30% of those who participated in hostilities. Distant consequences of military mental trauma developed in 80% of soldiers after combat stress disorder. The analysis of the medical records of servicemen who suffered from combat mental injury showed that in 100% of cases of military action the distant development of the classical pattern of the acute period of brain injury was observed. We made the classification of available techniques of physical education on recovery after cerebral concussion, and defined individual, group, traditional, unconventional, modern, and general techniques aimed at recovery. We confirmed that persistent and continuous activity using different means of physical education made a positive effect even in cases of the most severe forms of cranioceraebral injury helped to return to active social life that expanded the research results. Conclusions. The obtained results showed that 50% of servicemen who participated in combat action suffer from combat stress disorders. 73% of these cases were accompanied with brain concussion. The techniques of physical education which were employed for the recovery of the servicemen who suffered from brain concussion as a result of combat psychic trauma. We also defined the main directions which can be applied as the means of physical education for serviceman recovery after contusion depending on the complexity and the period of injury.

Keywords: concussion, servicemen, physical exercises, recovery, classification

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