ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 5 of 13
JMBS 2019, 4(3): 33–38
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Innovative Structure and Content of Theoretical Preparation at the Stage of Initial Training in Kayaking and Canoeing

Bohuslavska V.Y.

In sporting activity, when the struggle takes place for a fraction of a second, for a few centimeters, when the methodology of preparation, the level of mastering the technique of movement, the functional capabilities have reached the highest levels of intelligence, a victory is won by a man who has the creativity of thinking, a high level of knowledge of the chosen the type of sport achieved in the process of theoretical training. Theoretical training is an integral part of a long-term improvement of the rowing industry on kayaks and canoes and should be in line with the structure and content of the competitive activities of the sport and the principles of the training system of athletes. At the same time, in the works of the majority of specialists in rowing, there is only mention of theoretical training of athletes, and the main attention is paid to technical and physical training. There is no clear justification of the structure and content of theoretical training in kayaking and canoeing, as well as the lack of tools and objective criteria for controlling the level of theoretical preparedness, which forms the problem of this work. The purpose of the research was to improve the structure and content of the theoretical training of rowers on kayaks and canoes at the stage of initial training. Material and methods. We constructed a questionnaire for interviewing coaches regarding the content of the theoretical training of rowers at the initial stage of preparation to find out the opinions of training. 82 trainers were interviewed by our questionnaire. Among the interviewed 41 trainers were with the highest category (21 of which were awarded the title Honored Coach of Ukraine), 19 coaches had the first and 22 had the second category. The average age of the respondents was 49.46 ± 1.46, the length of the coaching work was 22.16 ± 0.98 years. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, analysis of documentary materials, method of systematization of scientific information. Results and discussion. The analysis of literary sources and the actual curriculum for children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of higher sporting skills and the schools of the Olympic reserve in kayaking and canoeing (2007) gave the opportunity to develop questionnaires for the survey of trainers-teachers in relation to the structure and the content of theoretical training of rowers in the initial stage of preparation. As a result of the establishment of the opinions of trainers-teachers, the most demanded topics were identified by sections of theoretical training in kayaking and canoeing at the initial training stage. Conclusions. The discrepancy between the structure and the content of theoretical training presented in the current curriculum for children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth Olympic reserve schools, schools of higher sporting skills and schools of the Olympic reserve in kayaking and canoeing (2007) are set to the present.

Keywords: theoretical training, kayaking and canoeing, the stage of initial training

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