ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 47
JMBS 2019, 4(1): 312–319
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Efficiency of Using Crossfit in the System of Physical Training of Cadets of Higher Military Educational Institutions at the Stage of Primary Training

Pylypchak I., Loyko O., Andreychuk V., Dziama V., Klimovich V.

During the last years, the level of physical preparedness of cadets at the stage of primary training has sharply decreased. The achievement of the high level of physical fitness at the initial stage of training is the basis for the development and formation of military-applied skills and abilities that are necessary for servicemen in further service activities. One of the promising directions is to improve the system of physical education of cadets, as well as to increase the level of cadets' physical training and preparedness during the period of primary training is to use crossfit. Material and methods. In order to determine the effectiveness of the author's program and to improve the physical preparedness by means of the crossfit at the primary education stage at the Secondary School of Cadets, we included crossfit into the educational process at the National Academy of Ground Forces during 2016-2018. We analyzed the results of exams in physical training in 1-4 semesters to establish the indicators of the basic physical qualities (speed, strength, endurance) in the cadets of the main and control groups. Results and discussion. We developed an experimental program based on a commonly used crossfit elements application. The methodological principles of our program of physical education for cadets include division of the training session into two parts. The students performed the main tasks during the 1st part of the training session (70% of the total time). Other 30% of the total time of the training session was used for the development of strength, coordination, endurance and flexibility. The maintenance of crossfit exercises included exercises on the following sports: Gymnastics (squeezing on the bars, tightening, hand racking, triple jumping on the rope, squeezing on the rings, pulling on the rings, reverse bursts, raising the legs on the rings, squatting one foot, double jumping, rope lift, squeezing in a rack in the hands, lifting the legs to the crossbar, climbing the ladder, lifting the coup, squeezing, raising the knees to the chest, power output, walking on the hands, lifting the body, jumping and the cabinet, pull lying, spinning floor, climbing rope, burpi, angle stops, lunges, jumps, static exercise) and others; Aerobics (swimming, cycling, rowing, running, skiing, skiing): Athleticism (weights of weight, jerk weights, craving weight, jerk of dumbbells, traction weights in inclination, exercises with medbol, traction weights to the chin, bench press, shock weights (long cycle)); Heavy athletics (shvung, power shvung, cluster, sitting silent, jerk of a rod, standing tuning, treadmills, squatting with a barbell, squatting overhead, thrust stalk, pushing a rod, taking a rod on the chest). Conclusion. The obtained results that the inclusion of the crossfit in the training sessions and the CMP in accordance with the author's program, provides the students with the development of high-speed, strength qualities and endurance, contributes to the increase of the level of general physical preparedness, which leads to the formation of basic physical training of students of the main group at the stage of primary education. It is important to note that at the end of the pedagogical experiment in the main group, there were no unsuccessful cadets of physical training, and the percentage of students rated "satisfactorily" was only 7.4%.

Keywords: author's program, cadet, pedagogical experiment, physical qualities

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