ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 35 of 68
JMBS 2021, 6(5): 247–254
Clinical Medicine

Tools for Assessing the Function of the Upper Extremity in Patients with Stroke: the Prognostic Role of Finger Extension

Khramtsov D. M. 1,2, Vorokhta Yu. M. 1,2,3, Sazonov V. Yu. 2, Grishchenko G. V. 1, Kotov S. A. 2

The purpose of the study was to determine the prognostic role of finger extension and to assess the function of the upper extremity in patients with stroke. Materials and methods. The study was performed on the basis of the Medical Center "Expert Health" and clinical units of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine during 2020-2021. 89 patients who underwent acute cerebrovascular accident by ischemic type with paresis of the upper extremity were examined. All patients were examined in accordance with current clinical protocols in 3 and 6 months after undergoing stroke. Additionally, patients underwent a standard hand function test – Action Research Arm Test, as well as an extended test – Action Research Arm Test +in its own modification (IsoTren LTD). Statistical processing was performed by methods of analysis of variance and correlation using Statisica 13.0 software (TIBCO, USA). Results and discussion. When assessing the functional status of patients, the average values of Barthel Index were 65.4±1.4 points, which corresponded to 2.7±0.3 points by modified Rankin Scale. The main difficulties were observed in such skills as writing (d170), use of means of communication (landline and mobile phone, computer, gadgets – d360), fine motor movements (d440), cooking (d630), eating (d550), washing (d510), personal hygiene (d520) and toilet use (d530), etc. When evaluated according to the standard Action Research Arm Test 3 months after the stroke, the average score was 39.9±1.5, according to the subtest of the Extensors’ Function Assessment Test – 8.3±0.4 points, which corresponds to the overall score for Action Research Arm Test +of 48.1±1.4 points. After 6 months, the score of the Action Research Arm Test 3 months after the stroke, the average score was 43.4±1.2 points ( = +8.8%), according to the subtest of the Extensors’ Function Assessment Test – 9.9±0.4 points ( = +19.3%), which corresponds to the overall score on Action Research Arm Test +of 53.2±1.3 points ( = +10.6%). Correlation analysis showed that the results of the subtest of the Extensors’ Function Assessment Test and Action Research Arm Test significantly correlate with each other (r = 0.72 p <0.01). The developed original test to assess the function of extensors has a specificity of 95.6% with a sensitivity of 98.5% (J = 0.95). This estimate corresponds to LR += 24.75, which allows us to assess the prognostic value of finger extension as very high. When assessing the internal consistency of the standard test Action Research Arm Test and Action Research Arm Test +, it was found that Cronbach = 0.87, which indicates a high degree of consistency of the tests. Conclusion. It is advisable to use the extensor function assessment test together with the standard Action Research Arm Test (modified Action Research Arm Test +)

Keywords: functional recovery, diagnosis, upper extremity, acute cerebrovascular accident

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