ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 18 of 39
JMBS 2021, 6(2): 133–138
Hygiene and Ecology

Hygienic Evaluation of Working Conditions of the Process of Mechanical Processing of PET Bottle

Malyshevska Olha

Polymer processing belongs to the category of hazardous industries and requires a deep and comprehensive analysis of the production environment from a hygienic point of view in order to minimize the negative impact on human health and components of the biosphere. The purpose of the study. It is important to study a set of adverse factors that affect employees in the process of processing polymer waste, to establish the relationship with the development of general and occupational diseases. Results and discussion. It has been established that the working conditions of the process of processing polymer waste have a combined effect on the body caused by a set of adverse production factors of different actions. The main ones are: dust in the air of the working area with polymer dust with mixed and unstable composition over time, noise, cooling microclimate, difficulty of work. The excess of maximum permissible concentration for dust load on the body of workers in the process of mechanical processing of PPV is from 1.35 times to 1.74 times, at the workplaces of the baler and shredder and unloading-packing operator (working conditions class 3.1). Exceedance of the sound pressure level in the range from 2 dBA to 15 dBA was recorded at all workplaces (working conditions class 3.2). The parameters of the microclimate at all workplaces, except for the forklift operator, belong to the harmful class of working conditions 3.1. According to the severity of the labor process, the working conditions of employees vary from allowable 2 (operator of the technological process) to harmful 3.2 (baler and shredder operator). In terms of intensity, the working conditions of all employees belong to harmful class 3.2, due to the significant noise load, which prevents the capture and transmission of information between participants in the processing process, as well as timely receipt of audio signals from the process operator and equipment. Mostly working conditions of employees in the process of processing PPV mixtures belong to class 3.2, except for the forklift operator (class 3.4). As for the integrated assessment, according to the hygienic classification, working conditions of operators of unloading-packing, crushing, technological process and baler are evaluated according to class 3.2, and the truck operator - 3.4 according to state sanitary rules and regulations "Hygienic classification of labor according to the indicators of harmfulness and danger and the intensity of the labor process" (order of the Ministry of Health dated 08.04.2014 No.248,), which can lead to the development of work-related diseases

Keywords: occupational health, hygienic assessment of working conditions, occupational diseases, PET processing, polymer waste processing

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