ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 53 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(4): 386–394

Histological Condition of the Ovaries of Sexually Mature Offspring of Rats born from Mothers with Fetoplacental Insufficiency

Seliukova N. 1,2, Laryanovskaya Yu. 2, Volokhov I. 1,2, Storozhenko G. 2, Koshova O. 2

The fetoplacental insufficiency affects the condition and functioning of the reproductive system of adult female rats born from mothers with complicated pregnancy. The purpose of the work was to study the histological condition of ovaries of adult matured offspring of rats born from females of different ages with fetoplacental insufficiency, and to compare with the corrective effect of the pharmaceutical composition. Material and methods. The healthy, Vistar mature females of young (3-4 months) and mature (8-10 months) reproductive age with normal four-to five days estrus cycles were used for offspring obtaining. The presence of the sperm cells in morning vaginal swabs was considered to be the first day of pregnancy. We formed 8 groups with 7 pregnant females in each: Groups I and II had intact animals of young and mature reproductive age; Groups III and IV had females with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency of young and mature reproductive age; Groups V and VI included young and mature animals with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency treated by pharmaceutical composition which contained nontoxic active pharmaceutical ingredients of fetoplacental insufficiency basic therapeutic group – amino acid (L-arginine), dicarbonic acid (succinic acid), vitamins (folic acid) and vasoactive drug (dipyridamole). Experimental animals received treatment from 11 to 19 day of pregnancy. Groups VII and VIII included young and mature animals with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency treated by drug of comparison – dipyridamole. The modeling of fetoplacental insufficiency was carried out by daily subcutaneous introduction of 50% tetrachlormethane oil solution in dose of 2 ml/kg of body weight from 12 to 18 day of pregnancy. One ovary per animal was taken for histological examination. The ovaries were completely fixed in 10% formalin solution, spent on alcohols of increasing strength, poured into paraffin. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. We made serial sections from each ovary by type of topographic. The histological structure of the organ was evaluated and the quantitative composition of the structural and functional elements in it was determined. Results and discussion. Fetoplacental insufficiency of mothers of different ages adversely affected the ovaries of the offspring of rats. Namely, there was a decrease in yellow bodies and the number of follicles of varying degrees of maturity, a decrease in the pool of primordial follicles, an intensification of the process of follicular atresia, that is, changes in the normal dynamics of follicle maturation. Conclusion. We observed the activation of the reserve of folliculogenesis on the backdrop of decreased atresia of the follicles when we used the pharmaceutical composition in pregnant rats of different ages. As a result, more follicles developed and reached ovulation. Comparison drug "Dipyridamole" had a less pronounced effect on the oogenesis of offspring.

Keywords: ovarian histostructure, offspring, fetoplacental insufficiency, maternal age, pharmaceutical composition, dipyridamole

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