ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 12 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 98–106
Medicine. Reviews

Ontology of the Congenital Malformation of the Pectoral Girdle Bones

Khmara T. V., Shevchuk K. Z., Morarash Y. A., Ryznychuk M. O., Stelmakh G. Ya.

Congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system are of practical interest for physicians of many specialties, namely: neonatologist, pediatrician, pediatric surgeon or orthopedist, therapist, who are related to the detection and treatment of congenital pathology in adolescent age and adulthood. 25.92 per 1000 live births (weighing more than 500 g) had congenital malformations in Ukraine in 2018. Material and methods. In Chernivtsi region, the rate was 23.73 per 1000 live births. Among congenital malformation cases, congenital limb defect and polydactyly occurred in 1.13 per 1000 live births in Ukraine, and in Chernivtsi region it was 0.93 per 1000 live births. Skeletal development begins in the 3rd week of gestation due to the condensation of the mesenchyme. The origin of the congenital limb defect can be divided into the early, which is based on the malformation of the rudiment and pathological development of the embryo (cases of major defects with the absence of individual bones, entire segments), and later, based on the defect of the fetus development (cases of malformation in the development of bone segments and tissue components). Conclusion. An attempt to summarize the existing information about the congenital malformations of the pectoral girdle bones (clavicle, scapula), their classification and alphabetic definitions were developed on the basis of the literature sources analysis. Congenital malformations of the pectoral girdle bones can be divided into typical (independent nosological forms) and atypical (combined with other anomalies or diseases). Congenital malformations of the pectoral girdle bones arise as a result of impaired chemotaxis, proliferation, differentiated and programmed cell death in the early stages of embryogenesis. A critical period for the occurrence of these anomalies is the period of embryonic development. A frequent combination of the clavicle and scapula. During the literature sources analysis we found congenital malformations with various abnormalities of development of other parts of the skeleton.

Keywords: clavicle, scapula, congenital malformations, anatomy

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