ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 13 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 107–121
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

The State of the Pulp, Hard Tooth Tissues, and Periodontal Tissues in Twelve- and Eigtheen-Month-Old Rats Born Macrosomic

Garmash O. V., Gubina-Vakulik G. I.

This fragment of a multi-stage research deals with the experiment study of the long-term consequences of fetal macrosomia on the morphofunctional state of hard tooth tissues, pulp and periodontal tissues in animals of mature (12 months) and elderly (18 months) age, taking into account their height-weight indices at birth. The purpose of the study was to investigate in the experiment the long-term consequences of fetal macrosomia on the morphofunctional state of hard tooth tissues, pulp and periodontal tissues of twelve-month and eighteen-month animals, taking into account the features of their pre-natal somatotype: macrosomia with harmonic (well-balanced) pre-natal development, with acceleration and relative pre-natal insufficiency of body weight or pre-natal obesity. Material and methods. The Wistar Albino Glaxo population rats were used in the study. The offspring of such rats were removed from the experiment on 360th and 540th day after birth. Macrosomia was modeled using four different macrosomia formation models. Immediately after birth, the rats were weighed and divided into five groups (each of 5-7 individuals) considering the calculated weight-height parameters and the ways of modeling macrosomia. The carious process intensity was calculated, 5-6 μm thick sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Halocyanin-chromium alum according to Einarson, picrofuxin according to Van Gieson, and the PAS-reaction was performed. Results and discussion. Based on the results of the experimental study, the animals that were born with macrosomia turn out to have more pronounced disorders of the tooth tissues and periodontal tissues in adulthood and with aging than animals in the Control Group of similar age. In Group 3 and 4 animals (which were born with signs of intrauterine obesity), the pulp vascularization is worse than in Group 1 and 2 rats (which were born with relative underweight or harmoniously (well-balanced) developed). In Group 3 and 4 animals, on average, a smaller odontoblasts body size of and to a greater degree of atrophy of an odontoblasts processes were found compared to Group 1 and 2 rats and Control Group rats, which explains the greater number of carious cavities in Group 3 and 4 animals than in Group 1 and 2 rats and in Control Group rats. The greater the degree of obesity of the newborn animal is, the more affected by the carious process are found teeth at the age of 12 and 18 months. In Group 1 and 2 rat periodontal tissues, inflammatory phenomena were observed, which were accompanied by the disruption of the circular ligament structure and the appearance of pockets, and in the bone tissue of the alveolar processes, the phenomena of focal osteoporosis were recorded. In Group 3 and 4 animal periodontal tissues, abnormalities with prevalence of the dystrophic component were observed. Conclusion. In adult and elderly animals born macrosomic with signs of pre-natal obesity, violations of hard tooth tissues and dental pulp predominate. On the other hand, the destruction of periodontal tissues is more pronounced in macrosomic-at-birth animals whos pre-natal period proceeded with relative insufficiency of body weight or was characterized by adequately increased somatometric indices of body weight and body length.

Keywords: rats, fetal macrosomia, caries, pulp, periodontium

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