ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 56 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 417–425

Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Young Men with Hypocapnia Breathing

Zavhorodnia V. A., Vitko S. M., Kudiy L. I, Kovalenko S. O.

Assessment of heart rate variability is a scientific basis for predicting physical ability and controlling a person’s functional state. Different respiratory structures have been found to affect heart rate variability. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to study the individual features of heart rate variability with breathing at a rate of 30 cycles per minute in healthy young men. Material and methods. Breathing capnogram was recorded on DATEX NORMOCAP (Datex, Finland) capnography; cardio intervals were recorded by Polar W.I.N.D. Link cardio sensor, Polar Wearlink W.I.N.D receiver in Polar Protrainer 5.0 (Polar ElectroOY, Finland) program in 78 healthy young men. The analysis of the native records of rhythmograms indicates the individual features of heart rate regulation in young men. Results and discussion. The level of SDNN, rMSSD and the indicators of spectral analysis with hyperventilation of t-R-R intervals reliably decrease. Reliably higher values of statistical and spectral analysis of heart rate variability than initial ones were observed at the end of recovery. However, tLF frequency was not restored after hyperventilation. Higher values of SDNN and rMSSD were found in the subjects with medium and high levels of PetCO2 both at rest and with hypocapnia. During the recovery, the difference between the studied statistical indicators was leveled between the groups. Reliable difference of tLF was observed with the analysis of the wave structure of heart rate in the background between men with low and high levels of PetCO2 and at the end of recovery between people with low and medium levels of PetCO2. The highest values of the studied indicators were observed in parasympathotonics among the men with different level of autonomic tonus at rest, with hyperventilation and recovery. Distinct differences between normotonics and vagonotics were leveled with hypocapnia; reliable difference of HFnorm indicators was observed in the subjects of normotonics; reliably higher values of both HFnorm and HF were observed in vagonotics compared to sympathotonics. Conclusion. Therefore, changes in the statistical indicators of cardiac rhythm and its spectral components in hypocapnia breathing have significant individual differences. One of the factors that determine them may be the initial level of PetCO2 and autonomic tone.

Keywords: heart rate variability, autonomic tone, PetCO2, hyperventilation, hypocapnia

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