ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 52 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 392–397
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

The Problem of Speech Culture in the Modern Higher Medical Education

Ekhalov V. V., Samoilenko A. V., Romanyuta I. A., Barannik S. I., Mizyakina E. V.

It has been repeatedly noted that recently the culture of speech is progressively declining among students and interns of medical higher educational institutions. Most interns cannot correctly formulate both the answer and the question. The trend towards the degradation of verbal communication in this environment has been clearly identified in the last 3-4 years. With such dynamics, in the long run, verbal contact between people will progressively weaken, being replaced by modern technologies. Teachers state: it is becoming increasingly difficult for small-reading young people to express their thoughts. They absolutely have no understanding that reading is simply necessary. As a result, society is degrading (V. S. Bryukhovetsky, 2011). The purpose of the study was to improve the motivation for reading in modern higher medical education. Results and discussion. A qualitative analysis of our anonymous questionnaire showed that students, compared to interns, are more likely to receive information through a visual demonstration of the material, but it is difficult for them to separate rational information from general principles, which takes a lot of time when working with special literature. Despite a sufficient commitment to using the latest computer information technology (72% versus 49% for interns), most students like to read books (95% versus 75% for interns), the contents of which they remember better (79% versus 66 %) and try to record for future use (93% versus 75%). Depending on the narrow specialization, we found that first-year medical interns in the specialty "Urology" (77%), "Anesthesiology" (75%), "Dentistry" (63%), "Neurology" (75%) like to read books, but they read, of course, much more (if necessary). Ultimately, the professional competence depends on the doctor’s ability to master the word, the level of his/her speech culture. This ability helps not only communicate with people much more effectively, but also achieve career success faster (T. F. Matveeva, 2014). People who read books will always control those who watch TV (F. Zhanlis). It is necessary to establish clear and achievable goals and criteria for evaluating the process. It is necessary to introduce practical activities to increase the motivation of various population groups to read to become coordinated, focused, methods and technologies based on the achievements of science. Reading is a tool. And the goal is education. Reading books, comprehending them, encountering various types of art, we produce common values, which means that it is easier for people to find a common language if necessary. In times of rapid change and reform, this is especially important, but it will also be needed in conditions of stability. (O. Schur, 2019) Conclusion. To summarize the above said, we can say that the speech culture in undergraduate and postgraduate students of higher medical education is going through hard times, being replaced by rationalism. However, the effectiveness of verbal communication in any field of activity is an important factor for solving problems of any level. Therefore, let new forms of obtaining information be the most technological and progressive, this process will never lose its relevance.

Keywords: speech culture, higher medical education, reading

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