ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 51 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 387–391
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Methods of Interactive Training in the Formation of the Professional Competence of Stomatology Interns

Gerzanych N. I.

The article describes a method of activating the educational process of interns in the course of postgraduate education by introducing into the lecture and practical training routine a set of versatile interactive methods. These include a combination of interactive lectures, clinical conferences, situational tasks, and brainstorming. The results of using this approach to teaching gave convincingly high results in the formation and improvement of clinical thinking of interns, their ability to use the theoretical knowledge during interactive work in the clinic, a significant increase in skills of interpersonal communicative competence, communicative and communicative intelligence with the colleagues, they learned to express their own point of view and justify it in a professional discussion, to make coherent team decisions. As a result, the professional skills of interns are maximized during their postgraduate education. The conclusion is made in the article about the expediency and effectiveness of using a set of interactive didactic methods and advantages and the effectiveness of each individual method in order to optimize the formation and use of diagnostic and practical skills in the medical practice of interns. Particularly emphasized is the importance of combining the leadership role of the teacher with the increased interest and high activity of interns, provided in this integrated approach to teaching and within each individual methodology. There is an importance of using modern multimedia technologies, the priorities of which are: the possibility of simultaneous use of several sensory channels of perception, involvement of visual channel activity, the ability to create visual training images, 3Dvisualization of necessary objects and video tracks that help switching the way of perception and activate attention after short mental rest in the process of assimilation of information. Conclusion. In the conditions of modern renovation and modernization of medical education in accordance with European and world standards, an important element is the introduction of a complex of interactive teaching methods in the course of postgraduate education of interns. In our opinion, a rational combination of pedagogical techniques of this type allows to maximize the participation of interns in training and make guaranteed the effective process of mastering their clinical knowledge and skills, the formation of full professional thinking and communicative competence in interpersonal communication.

Keywords: interactive learning, interactive lecture, clinical conference, situational tasks, brainstorming method

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