ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 19 of 42
JMBS 2020, 5(2): 139–146
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

Correction of Concomitant Vegetative Conditions of Visually Impaired Persons by Means of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy

Korobkova Yu. S., Tonkopey Yu. L.

The purpose of the study was to determine and justify the conditions for the correction of concomitant vegetative state of adult visually impaired persons by means of physical and occupational therapy, and also verify their effectiveness. Material and methods. The study involved middle-aged people with the presence of such pathologies as retinal detachment, myopia with astigmatism, cataracts and glaucoma with a visual balance of up to 10% and blind. We used the following research methods: the theoretical analysis of data of scientific and methodological literature, methods for determining the vegetative Kerdo index, Romberg test, methods of mathematical data processing. Results and discussion. The article contains the data of analysis concerning the questions of application physical therapy and occupational therapy means for the correction of concomitant vegetative conditions on the background of impaired coordination of movements and a sense of balance of adult visually impaired persons in the conditions of a special institution. The article describes the most adapted means of physical therapy and occupational therapy for visually impaired adults. The rehabilitation program included such means as massage; Wellness physical culture, represented by fitball-aerobics and Nordic walking. After analyzing data of changes of indicators in the process of research we formulated balance indicators of the vegetative processes of the nervous system and the ability to maintain a state of equilibrium in a standing position on one leg with the exception of the visual analyzer. The practical significance of the results was the development of a comprehensive and the most adapted means of physical therapy and occupational therapy for adult visually impaired persons in a specialized institution have been identified. Conclusion. The rehabilitation program implementation proved that the studied indicators had positive changes in the direction of normalizing vegetative processes and improving the sense of balance. Prospects for further research are in considering an improvement of the physical therapy program for visually impaired persons in a special institution and beyond; further study of the impact of the proposed rehabilitation methods on the functional state of the body of visually impaired persons, both in general and its individual systems, including sensory ones.

Keywords: physical therapy, visually impaired adults, rehabilitation means, occupational therapy, fitness, rehabilitation of visual impairment, visual impairment

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