ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 45 of 60
JMBS 2019, 4(6): 301–308

Influence of Intellectual and Physical Loads on Teens’ Mental Work Capacity

Bosenko A. I. 1, Dolgier E. B. 1, Plisko V. I. 2, Glushchenko I. I. 3, Topchiі M. S. 1

Modern requirements for the mental work capacity of adolescents, which are determined by productivity, duration, depth and direction of changes in the mobility of nerve processes, often exceed students’ adaptive capabilities. Therefore, the study and careful assessment of the functional state of the central nervous system of this contingent has particular relevance in terms of solving the issues of control and management of the process of health protection and improvement. The purpose of the research was to study the features of urgent changes in the functional state of teens’ central nervous system in the conditions of intense mental and physical activity. Material and methods. In our study, we carried out a comparative analysis of urgent changes in the functional state of the central nervous system in 11 boys (future applicants to higher educational institutions) under the influence of mental load in the form of External Independent Testing in biology and a group of teens, volleyball players (n = 10), in the condition of performing specific physical load (training). Assessment of the functional state of the central nervous system was carried out using the E. Landolt method, which belongs to the group of proof-reading tests. Results and discussion. The research of urgent changes in the functional state of teens’ central nervous system revealed that the speed of information processing and average productivity increased greatly after high school students’ mental workload, the average accuracy increased in both groups. The coefficient of endurance, turned out to be low before and after the mental load in both groups of high school students and volleyball players. The coefficient of accuracy of high school students before mental load was high, but after an intense mental load, the number of students who had a high rate decreased. Under the influence of physical loads, the coefficient of accuracy remained unchanged in volleyball players. The analysis of the nature of productivity changes in the process of doing the task and comparing it with the dynamics of accuracy proves a low reliability of work capacity of the both examined groups at rest, which has increased in volleyball players to an average level after loads. Although it had a downward trend in high school students at the beginning of work and demonstrated early developing signs of fatigue. We also revealed low and medium quality signs of teens’ mental work capacity at rest, which under the influence of testing according to the program of External Independent Testing and physical training tended to increase. Quantitative results in both groups were characterized as being above average and high level before the load. These properties increased in high school students after and during the External Independent Testing, but decreased in volleyball players after physical training. Conclusion. Thus, the study proved necessary to correct the functional state of the central nervous system of adolescents in order to eliminate the disharmony between the physical and mental components of their personal development and increase adaptive capabilities.

Keywords: mental work capacity, teens, central nervous system

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