ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 27 of 61
JMBS 2019, 4(5): 180–185
Clinical Medicine

Efficiency of Symbiter Application in Complex with Surgical Treatment for Patients with Stomach and Bowels Polyps

Pikas P. B.

In medicine, gastric and intestinal polyps are important because after polypectomy they can appear at their primary location and elsewhere. Anaerobic microorganisms of the large intestine form short-chain fatty acids in the process of metabolism. The composition of short-chain fatty acids is disrupted when changing its microflora. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of applying symbiter in combination with surgical treatment in patients with multiple polyps of the stomach and intestines (in terms of fatty acid composition in blood serum). Material and methods. 35 healthy individuals (group I), 61 patients with gastric polyps (group II), and 63 patients with intestinal polyps (group III) were examined. Patients of ІІ A and ІІІ A subgroups were prescribed only traditional surgical treatment, and patients of ІІ B and ІІІ B subgroups took surgical treatment in a complex with Symbiter® acidophilic (0.14 ml / kg, 2 times a day, per os; 28 days). Before and after treatment, the composition of fatty acids of phospholipids in blood serum was determined on a “Svet-500” gas chromatograph with a plasma ionization detector in the isothermal mode. Results and discussion. Fatty acid indices of blood serum improved in patients with polyps in ІІ B and ІІІ B subgroups. In patients of ІІ B and ІІІ B subgroups, the level of margarine fatty acid decreased faster, and the level of oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids increased faster, which was noted much slower in patients of ІІ А and ІІІ A subgroups (during surgical treatment without symbiter). Margarine fatty acid disappeared in patients of ІІ B and ІІІ B subgroups, which was not observed in patients of ІІ A and ІІІ A subgroups. The appearance of margarine fatty acid in patients of II and III groups before treatment is due to the presence of bacterial infection in these patients. Patients of II B and III B subgroups disappeared in the course of treatment with margarine fatty acid, which testified to the positive effect of the symbiter on the composition of fatty acids and microflora. In the treatment of II A and III A subgroups patients’ margarine fatty acid were preserved. The level of linoleic fatty acid in patients of II B and III B subgroups and II A and III A subgroups during treatment was maintained at high levels. When using a symbiter, the level of linoleic fatty acid in patients of IIB and IIIB subgroups was not normalized. In the treatment of patients of IIA and IIIA subgroups, a similar situation was noted. The level of oleic fatty acid (C18: 1) significantly (p <0.05) increased in the treatment process in patients of II B and III B subgroups, although it was decreased (p <0.05) compared with healthy subjects. In the treatment of IIA and IIIA subgroups patients, the level of oleic fatty acid (C18: 1) increased unreliably. In patients of II B and III B subgroups, the total content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids was not normalized during treatment. Conclusion. The use of symbiter in a complex with surgical treatment in patients with multiple polyps of the stomach and intestines was aimed at a quicker correction of changes in the fatty acid (margarine, oleic, palmitic and stearic) composition of lipids in the serum of blood, which in some way increased the effectiveness of treatment of these patients.

Keywords: polyps of the stomach and intestines, fatty acids, blood serum, symbiter, effectiveness of treatment

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