ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
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JMBS 2018, 3(7): 14–19
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Histological Peculiarities of the Fetus Uterus Wall with 29-36 Weeks Gestational Age from Mothers with Pregnancies Complicated by Chronic Infection of the Lower Genital Tract

Kupriyanova L. S. 1, Isaenko M. V. 2, Romashov O. Yu. 2, Stefnyuk Yu. O. 2, Moldovanenko I. I. 2, Ismailova A. A. 2

It is known that chronic infections take a leading place among the factors that lead to the death of newborns, as well as contribute to the violation of the laying and the formation of the internal organs of the fetus. Children born by mothers with the infection are at high risk for the formation of chronic pathology on the part of various organs and systems. The fetus uterus in the gestational period of 29-36 weeks is fully formed and partially responds to hormonal changes on the part of the mother's body. It is during this period that the complications of the structural organization of the organ wall and the formation of the functional activity of the uterus can occur. However, the histological features of the fetus uterus structure from the mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract have not been described yet. Material and methods. A complex organometric, histological, morphometric and statistical study revealed the characteristic features of the structure of the fetus uterine wall from mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract during 29-36 weeks of gestation. All material is divided into groups: fetuses from healthy mothers and fetuses from the mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract in the 29-36 weeks period of gestation. We used the organometric method to reduce the mass, length and thickness of the fetuses from mothers with the complicated pregnancies. The structure of the all fetuses wall is represented by endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium. In the fetuses uterine wall from the mothers with the pregnancy pathology there was a decrease in the endometrial thickness and perimetry. In the endometrium of the fetus uterus from mothers with the chronic infection there was a decrease in the number of glands with the manifestation of their functional immaturity. In myometrium there was a proliferation of connective tissue, sometimes with violation of the structural organization of the layer. In the endometrium and myometrium and the fetuses uterus from mothers with complicated pregnancies, inflammatory infiltration occured, and their composition corresponded to chronic inflammation. Conclusions. The described changes in the structure of the fetuses uterine wall from mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract were due to chronic hypoxia and antigenic stimulation on the part of the maternal organism. Features of the histological structure of the fetuses uterine wall from mothers with complicated pregnancies in the future may lead to the formation of primary infertility. The prospect of further research is the study of the structure of the fetuses uterine wall from mothers with the chronic infection of the lower genital tract in the gestation period of 37-42 weeks and the identification of immunohistochemical features of hormonal activity and collagen synthesis in the fetus uterus at different gestation periods.

Keywords: fetus, pregnancy, uterus, chronic infection, lower genital tract

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