ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 7 of 56
JMBS 2018, 3(6): 41–45
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Embryogenesis of Rats under the Influence of Cadmium Citrate in Isolated Introduction and in Combination with Germanium Citrate

Nefodova O. O., Bilishko D. V.

The problem of microelementosis today is extremely relevant in all countries of the world, its solution, as defined by WHO, is the main task of providing the health of the Earth's population in the XXI century. In recent years, there occurred an expansion of using various compounds of cadmium and a significant increase in anthropogenic contribution to pollution of the environment. It resulted in the content of cadmium compounds in the air, food and objects of household and drinking water supply exceeds the permissible standards. It is known that germanium is a trace element that increases the effectiveness of the human body's immune system, fights with cancer, reduces pain, and has a wide range of biological activity. Moreover, it has antihypoxic action providing oxygen transfer to the tissues of the body and, by transferring oxygen, prevents the development of oxygen deficiency on tissue level, reduces the risk of developing the so-called blood hypoxia, stimulates immunity, and is a powerful antioxidant - a blocker of free radicals in the body. The purpose of the experimental study was to investigate the effect of low doses of cadmium citrate on the overall course of embryogenesis in rats at isolated doses and in combination with germanium citrate. To simulate the effects and toxic effects of exposure to cadmium throughout pregnancy, female Wistar rats received cadmium citrate daily (through a probe) (in a dose of 1.0 mg / kg) or in combination with germanium citrate (at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg) . Results and discussion. The analysis of the morphometric indices of the experiment showed the embryotoxic effect of cadmium citrate upon enteral administration in low doses, which is expressed in the decrease of the number of embryos and their mass in relation to the control group at the studied terms of development and increase of the level of general embryonic mortality. In the group of exposure to cadmium citrate, the number of live embryos was reduced relative to the control group in the following order: 13 days of gestation by 11.1%, 20 days of pregnancy by 13.7%. It was accompanied by a decrease in the weight of embryos: on the 13th day of embryogenesis it was (-16.7 %) and on the 20th day of embryogenesis it was (-7.3%). The preimplantation mortality rate was greater than the control group under the exposure to cadmium. We noticed the presence of placenta in the absence of an embryo in the uterus - post-implantation mortality, indicating the embryotoxic effect of cadmium citrate on the embryo after the implantation process. Conclusions. The decrease in the rates of embryonic mortality and the increase in the number of embryos in combination with the introduction of cadmium citrate with germanium citrate indicates the modifying effect of germanium citrate on cadmium toxicity.

Keywords: cadmium, germanium, embryotoxicity, embryogenesis, rat, experiment

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