ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 45 of 56
JMBS 2018, 3(6): 288–292

Biological Feedback – Implemented Communication

Karamzina L. A. 1, Mishchanchuk N. S. 2, Rybalchenko V. K. 3

The purpose of the study was to investigate the role of biofeedback in resumption communication in cochlear implant rehabilitation users. Material and methods. Ten adults with postlingual bilateral ototoxic postantibiotic deafness (aged 18-42) and who underwent unilateral cochlear implantation by Сombi 40+ (Med-El® devices) participated in this study. Communicative function was absent, but intellect and speech were well-developed. Pre- and postoperative assessments were performed per typical clinic routines with modifications described. Post implant habilitation was customized for each recipient using a combination of traditional methods and technologies. Findings were assessed by evaluating the use of acoustic feedback. Speech reception and speech intelligibility were measured in sound field and in anechoic chamber. The authors used two groups of speech signals: 100 words and 100 numerals (modificated by Karamzina L.A.) from the standard Russian language tests tables for speech audiometry (G.I. Grinberg, L.R. Zinder, 1957; Harshak E.M., 1964). Results and discussion. The 10 adults included in this report were consistent users of their cochlear implants and demonstrated speech recognition in the implanted ear. All of the implanted subjects maintained over time a satisfactory auditory gain, ranging from 10 to over 45dB in respect to at 0.5, 1, 2 and 4kHz. After 30 days electrical stimulation and speech-hearing training communicative score was 90 % for numerals and 60% for words. That result was sufficient for restoring communicative biofeedback. Time differentiation of the electrical signals duration was 86 ms as a good predictor for the intelligibility of short words in speech-hearing rehabilitation period. Conclusions. The results of this study demonstrated the possibility of renewed communication for cochlear implant recipients and renewing communicative biofeedback. In conclusion we should mention that cochlear implants can improve life quality in profoundly deaf subjects with associated disabilities, increasing both listening and communication skills as well as self-sufficiency and social relationships.

Keywords: biological feedback, hearing-speech communication

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