ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 33 of 45
JMBS 2018, 3(4): 174–178
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Problems, Achievements and Prospects of Teaching Military Medical Disciplines to Foreign Students in English

Shevchenko V. V.

Improvement of educational and methodological support of the educational process and the introduction of new innovative educational technologies is currently the problem of teaching military medical disciplines to foreign students in English that requires discussion and urgent resolution. The program of training foreign students in English for specialists of the Master's level this year has undergone significant changes. It currently includes two modules: Emergency First Aid in Extreme Situations and the Fundamentals of Providing Medical Assistance to Population and Army. The subject of the study of military medical disciplines by foreign students with the English language of instruction is the urgent actions and organizational measures aimed at the salvage and preservation of a person's life in an emergency and minimizing the consequences of the impact of such a state on her health, carried out at the scene by persons who do not have medical education, but in their official duties must have basic practical skills in saving the life of a person in urgent condition, and in accordance with the law of the goiter are obligated to carry out such actions and measures. The main tasks of the training for the Emergency First Aid in emergency situations are the definition of the basic principles for assessing the state of the victims of man-made, natural and man-made emergencies and the skills of providing Emergency First Aid to the victims and the wounded in major emergencies. The main tasks of the training for the module "Fundamentals of organization of medical provision of population and troops" include mastering of the bases of organization of medical provision of population and troops as a component of the system of medical provision of the population of the state and assimilation of the organization and order of conducting medical and evacuation measures among the civilian population and troops, depending on the scale and the nature of sanitary losses. In our opinion, the changes in the curriculum for military medical disciplines for foreign students in English are very positive. However, the absence of profiling knowledge for students of the dental faculty in it, is surprising. In modern conditions, the timely mastery of students' skills in providing Emergency First Aid and first-aid care wounded is extremely important. Thus, the primary prospects for teaching military medical disciplines to foreign students with an English language form of study is the profiling of knowledge for students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Among the achievements of the new curriculum for teaching military medical disciplines to foreign students in English is the introduction of curricula for a new and highly relevant topic related to combat stress and its implications for military personnel. Combat stress is a set of mental states that are experienced by fighters in the process of adaptation to the conditions of combat environment. The main condition for the formation of combat stress is the presence of specific and non-specific knowledge for the combat situation factors that have an adverse effect on the military personnel. Combating stress is the process of mobilizing all available possibilities of the body, the immune, protective, nervous, and psychic systems to overcome a dangerous situation for life, which can sometimes have positive effects in terms of growth of physical strength, activity, increase of endurance, feeling of own competence, heroism, patriotism etc. This year, improving the curriculum for foreign students studying in English is generally relevant and opens new perspectives for introducing innovative educational technologies to improve the quality of education in military medical disciplines, but requires the introduction of profiling elements for students of dental faculties.

Keywords: Military Medical Discipline, English language training, Emergency First Aid

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