ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 1 of 49
JMBS 2018, 3(1): 8–13
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

The Dynamics of Changes in the Temperature Characteristics of the Kidneys Depending on the Duration of Injury and Time of Death

Babkina O. P. 1, Korobko I. S. 2, Matiukhin D. O. 2

The results of the conducted research prove the possibility of establishing a limitation of kidneys damage in mechanical trauma with the dynamics of change of its temperature during the first hours after injury. The research examined the kidneys tissue of persons, male and female, ranging in age from 20 to 60 years, who died at the known time of injury and age of death in the presence and absence of alcohol in the blood and were subjects to autopsy in pathoanatomical Department of judicial-medical examination Bureau of Luhansk during 2008-2013. When conducting research we studied the pancreas via 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 24 hours after the autopsy. The ambient temperature in the morgue during the research was 18 ºC. To address the question of limiting the liver damage occurrence, we used a method of infrared thermometry by which we could measure the temperature of the area of damaged and undamaged tissues of kidneys in cases of injury at different stages taking into account the ambient temperature, body mass, gender, age of victims, the circumstances of the injury. We carried out the research with a thermal image Thermo, model TH 9100 PMVI - WL, which is a contactless high sensitivity infrared camera. Results and discussion. In trauma the temperature readings of the tissues of internal organs, particularly the kidneys, differ from the corresponding numbers of healthy individuals. The results of our study of the temperature characteristics of injured and intact kidneys tissues by infrared thermometry showed that the temperature readings in the area of injured kidneys tissue and the intact parts gradually decrease with increasing time after injury. Thus, it is necessary to take into account temperature of external skin, thickness of subcutaneous tissue. As a result of statistical processing of the obtained temperature characteristics of the kidneys from the damage and the adjacent intact of its tissues, with the obligatory account of the temperature characteristics of the outer skin, we found that there is a statistically significant decrease in the temperature characteristics of the kidneys in men and women depending on the ambient temperature at the time of death, and the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue. There was discovered a slight difference of temperature of the kidneys depending on the sex and age of subjects. The temperature of pancreas tissue in each measurement zone in women, on average, was 0.5-1 ° C (±0,18) lower in comparison with men of approximately the same age. After the age of 55, regardless of gender, temperature readings in the dead persons, on average, decreased by 0.5-0.8oC (±0,21). Thus, in the field of injury throughout the study period after opening the dead man (24 hours), we observed higher temperature compared to not injured tissues of the kidneys, on average, 2-3ºС (±0,28). Conclusions. In the study we identified that in the injured and intact kidneys tissue from persons who died from injury, there was a constant decrease in temperature, which could be used as a criterion for establishing the prescription of injury onset. The higher quantitative temperature indicators are observed directly in the field of injury and made up the difference by 2-3ºС (±0,28). It is established that such factors as gender did not significantly affect on the temperature of the kidneys.

Keywords: trauma, prescription, kidneys, temperature

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